
  • 网络Dogmatic Theology;Dogmatics;doctrinal theology
  1. 圣经神学的存在就是为了在圣经研究和教义神学之间建立一座桥梁,但是这种桥梁的作用也成为圣经神学自身定义和发展的难题。

    Biblical theology is a discipline that tries to bridge the gap between modem Biblical studies and systematical theology . But this aim of Biblical theology becomes a problem for its self definition and development .

  2. 当评价一次宗教运动时,大多数长期从事研究的内行专家主要注重从社会学、心理学或行为学的角度来分析问题,他们通常并不考虑教义或神学问题。

    Most secular experts rely primarily on sociological , psychological , or behavioral factors and usually do not consider doctrinal or theological issues when evaluating specific religious movements .

  3. 为基督教教义辩护的神学分支。

    The branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines .

  4. 希望神学的突出标志是:它力图表明末世论的教义是基督教神学的核心。

    The eminent mark of the theology of hope is that it attempted to demonstrate the doctrine of eschatology is the core of Christian theology .

  5. 中世纪从信仰和理性结合处孕育出的公共利益观,调和了亚里士多德主义与神学教义,在神学的外衣下保持了西方公共利益观念传承的连贯性。

    The Middle Ages produced its public interests view with the combination of belief and reason , which reconciled Aristotelianism and theological doctrine and kept its coherence under the disguise of theology .

  6. 是所有福音中最具基督教性质的,基督是最为神圣的,而非仅仅是人,因此它对于教义,对于神学,对于信仰都是非常重要的。

    It 's the most Christological of the Gospels , it 's the most divine rather than simply being human and so it 's very important for doctrine , and for theology , and for faith .

  7. 笔者的考察表明,传统上将法教义学视为神学对法学的影响,具有一定的正确性,但掩盖了自古希腊罗马以来,教义学观念就已经在诸多学科中得到论述。

    The paper tries to make clear that the traditional legal dogmatics takes itself as the influence of mythology to law with somewhat correctness , but it covers the fact that since the Ancient Greek-Roman Age , the notion of dogmatics has been discussed in various branches .