
jiào fù
  • godfather;godparent;sponsor;god-father
教父 [jiào fù]
  • [godfather;sponsor] 在婴儿或幼儿受洗礼时,赐以教名,并保证承担其宗教教育的人

  • 每个受洗礼的男孩应该有两个教父和一个教母

教父[jiào fù]
  1. 他确实想好好履行作为教父的职责。

    He really wants to fulfil his role as godfather properly .

  2. 与小说《教父》一样,本书故事进展也由人物之间的关系推动,美国缉毒局特工阿特·凯勒和毒枭米格尔·安赫尔·巴雷拉之间的友情逐渐瓦解,演变成一场血腥纷争。5.LAConfidential18byJamesEllroy詹姆斯·艾尔罗伊的《洛城机密》

    as in The Godfather , it 's the personal relationships that drive the narrative15 as the friendship between DEA7 agent Art Keller and narco kingpin Miguel Angel Barrera disintegrates16 into a blood feud17 .

  3. 你拿我JamesBrown的唱片做什么?(美国Funk音乐鼻祖灵魂乐教父)

    Uh-uh , what are you doing with my James Brown album ?

  4. “达蒙简直就是我们的教父”,克特西斯在周未的ABC的秋季剧集前瞻节目中说到。

    " Damon has been a godfather to us ," Kitsis said Sunday during ABC 's fall TV preview .

  5. 史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)通过iPhone成为电子设备教父,不过他很久之前就开始了高科技事业,做的是盗用本地通话线路从而实现免费远程通话。

    Long before the iPhone made him the god of gadgets , Steve Jobs launched his tech career by hacking land lines to make free long-distance calls .

  6. 在情节上,它与教父I和教父II有很大的关连。如果你没有看过前两部,那恐怕你就很难完全理解这部影片了。

    The Godfather part I and II fill in many gaps left by this one , and it would be very difficult to understand this movie without seeing the first two .

  7. 教父III所讲述的故事发生在1979年的纽约,那时距离MichaelCorleone杀死他的哥哥已有大约二十年的时间了。

    The third Godfather story opens in1979 New York , some twenty years after Michael Corleone gave the order to have his older brother killed .

  8. 就像艾尔•帕西诺(AlPacino)在《教父3》中所说:“每一次我要离开都被他们拉了回去!”

    As Al Pacino said in Godfather III : " every time I try to get out they pull you back !"

  9. 他现在是弗拉托女儿的教父。弗拉托是从他父亲那里学到有关建筑师/客户关系方面的知识的,他父亲与人称德克萨斯现代主义(TexasModernism)鼻祖的奥尼尔・福特(O'NeilFord)是密友。

    Mr. Lasater learned about the architect / client bond from his father , who was intimate friends with O'Neil Ford , known as the grandfather of Texas Modernism .

  10. 让我们深入了解人称“硅谷教父”的科技天使投资人罗恩•康威,他曾向《财富》(Fortune)表示,自己目睹了硅谷近70%的新创企业交易。

    An in-depth look at tech angel investor Ron Conway , aka the " godfather of Silicon Valley , " who once told fortune he sees roughly 70 % of all start-up deals in the area .

  11. “就在我以为自己可以置身事外时,又被他们拉了回来”,投资者们一定很想说出阿尔帕西诺在《教父III》里的这句台词。

    " JUST when I thought I was out , they pull me back in . " Investors must be tempted to echo the words of Al Pacino in " The Godfather : Part III " .

  12. 培养嘻哈文化的正面力量要归功于曾做过帮派头目和DJ的阿弗里卡·班巴塔,他被公认为嘻哈文化的教父。

    Hip-hop culture 's positive energy was fostered5 by Afrika Bambaataa , a former gang leader and dj who is regarded as the godfather of hip-hop .

  13. 乔治汉密尔顿(georgehamilton)在去意大利拍摄《教父3》(thegodfather:partiii)的途中,被海关官员拦截,因为他两个装满鞋的大皮箱引起了怀疑。

    George Hamilton was on his way to Italy for the filming of the Godfather : Part III when he was stopped by a customs official suspicious of his two steamer trunks containing a vast shoe collection .

  14. 西蒙斯是街头教父唱片公司(DefJamRecordings)和PhatFarm服装公司的创始人。早在多年以前,他就成功地将这两家公司分别以超过1亿美元的价格卖了出去。

    Simmons , the founder of Def Jam Recordings and the Phat Farm clothing empire , successfully sold those companies for more than a hundred million dollars apiece years ago .

  15. 即便是保护平民的责任这一信条的理论教父、澳大利亚前外长加雷思埃文斯(GarethEvans)也对军事干预叙利亚发出警告。

    Even former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans , the intellectual godfather of the doctrine of the responsibility to protect civilians , is warning against military intervention in Syria .

  16. 他推出了“Genco橄榄油”,这是以《教父》中维多·柯里昂的挂名公司命名的。

    He launched Genco Olive Oil , named after Vito Corleone 's front company in " The Godfather . "

  17. 还是那次旅行,我不得不劝阻教父不要去佛罗伦萨,阿尔诺河流域(arnovalley)当时遭到了热浪的袭击,许多当地人因此倒下。

    On that same trip I had to dissuade my godfather from going to Florence , the Arno Valley then being in the grip of a heatwave that was laying locals low .

  18. 深爱你的教父C.S.路易斯

    Your affectionate Godfather , Lewis C.S

  19. 他年轻时有过很多位严师,其中一位便是埃德加·瓦雷兹(EdgardVarèse),这位喜怒无常的法国现代主义作曲家和电子音乐教父发火时曾把周的乐谱扔在地上,让他自己往上面小便。

    One was Edgard Var è se , the temperamental French-born Modernist and godfather of electronic music , who once showed his displeasure by throwing a score of Mr. Chou 's on the floor and ordering him to urinate on it .

  20. 一系列扣人心弦的地下行动让人想起了让-皮埃尔·梅尔维尔(Jean-PierreMelville)的《影子部队》(ArmyofShadows),而其激烈的暴力时刻又有如《教父》(Godfather)般让人感同身受。

    Tense sequences of undercover operations are reminiscent of those in Jean-Pierre Melville 's " Army of Shadows , " while moments of explosive violence have a " Godfather " - like immediacy .

  21. 2005年前后,他在街头教父唱片公司(DefJamRecordings)担任了3年的总裁,业绩喜忧参半——公司发掘出了蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)等超级巨星,但也不乏失败的例子。

    His three-year spell in the mid-2000s as president of Def Jam Recordings was mixed , with the emergence of two superstars in Rihanna and Kanye West , but also a number of flops .

  22. 硅谷都知道法德尔这位善变的iPod“教父”。之后,他又协助开发了iPhone,给自己的简历又添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Fadell became known around Silicon Valley as the mercurial " godfather " of the iPod , and he added another dazzling line to his r é sum é by assisting in the development of the iPhone .

  23. 乔治的表兄BenBreslin称,现年57岁的乔治会成为这个拥有王室父母孩子的“完美”教父。据他称,“已经完全准备好,就等着宝宝出生了。”

    George 's cousin Ben Breslin exclusively told the 57-year-old would make a ' wonderful ' godfather to the royal couple 's baby , saying : ' I 'm all for it .

  24. 我们首先尝试的是《教父》(TheGodfather),一开始我们很担心,因为如果我们自己开发一款游戏的话,我们完全可以自己赚钱,不必跟任何人分账。

    We started with The Godfather . In the beginning , we were really concerned because , if we made a game ourselves , we could make money and not have to share it with anybody .

  25. 更搞笑的是,和毛克利打了一仗的大猩猩路易王(克里斯托弗·沃肯(ChristopherWalken)配音)看上去很像是马龙·白兰度扮演的两个著名角色–“教父”和“科兹上校”的组合体。

    Moreenjoyable is Mowgli 's skirmish with King Louie ( Christopher Walken ) , amountainous ape who is depicted as a cross between two Marlon Brandocharacters , Vito Corleone and Colonel Kurtz .

  26. 这部电影的长盛不衰在大大小小的方面都得到了展现。该片多年来一直被imdb.com的用户评为史上最佳电影(《教父》(Godfather)前两部位居第二和第三)。

    The movie 's enduring popularity manifests itself in ways big and small . ' Shawshank ' for years has been rated by users of imdb.com as the best movie of all time ( the first two ' Godfather ' films are second and third ) .

  27. 别总是跟在我后面了,教父。

    Then don 't tag along at my heels , father .

  28. 你教父也是这样认为的,黑根说。

    " That 's what your Godfather figures ," Hagen said .

  29. 那么如果不是他的教父,他该到谁那里?

    And who should he come to if not his godfather ?

  30. 他担任一位挚友女儿的教父。

    He stood godfather to the daughter of a close friend .