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jiào jù
  • training aid;teaching aid
教具 [jiào jù]
  • [teaching aid] 教学时用来讲解说明某事物的模型、实物、图表、幻灯等

  • 直观教具

教具[jiào jù]
  1. 照片可以成为有用的教具。

    Photos make useful teaching aids .

  2. CD唱片作反射光栅演示教具

    CD is demonstrated as a reflection grating

  3. 应用计算机软件建立的基于三维CAD技术的虚拟模型库,不仅可以完全克服传统教具的缺点,也是当代教学改革中的重要组成部分。

    The virtual model library which is based on three-dimensional CAD can overcome these disadvantages completely , and holds a consequence in the innovation of modern teaching .

  4. 本文介绍了我们如何用模块式培训法(MES)制作的汽车电路教具及应用。

    This article shows how we make and apply teaching tools of vehicular circuit by using MES .

  5. 结果使用至诚板、笔教具上课后闪光融合频率减少值明显低于黑板、粉笔教具,差异有显著性(P0.05);

    Results The decrease in flicker fusion frequency was smaller due to the use of Zhicheng blackboard-chalk teaching aid when compared with traditional blackboard-chalk teaching aid ( P 0.05 ) .

  6. 本文主要围绕着基于DSP芯片、作为实验教具使用而设计了小功率开关磁阻电机调速系统(SwitchedReluctanceDriver,简称SRD)平台,并展开了进一步的理论研究和实践探索。

    This paper mainly focuses on the design of the experimental platform for switched reluctance driver based on DSP , and has done some further theoretic research as well as experimental research .

  7. 详细介绍了该教具的制作和使用方法。

    This article particularly introduces its making and its use method .

  8. 新数学系列教具的设计理念和结构功能

    Design Thoughts and Structure Functions of Realia of New Mathematics System

  9. 在教室,教师可以拥有其他电化教具。

    The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools .

  10. 血液循环模拟教具的制作与教学效果

    Making and Teaching Results of Teaching Aids for Simulating Blood Circulation

  11. 解剖车模型教具的制作

    Making A Cutaway Model of Motor Vehicle as A Teaching Aid

  12. 旋转阳极启动实验教具电路的设计与制作

    Design and Fabrication of Realia Circuit for Rotary Anode Startup Experiment

  13. 我们英语老师上课经常用直观教具。

    Our English teacher often uses visual aids in her classes .

  14. 三等分角器是属于教学用的教具。

    An angle trisecting unit belongs to teaching aids for teaching .

  15. 教务长,他用他的“长教具”击昏了那个女人。

    Provost , he has knocked that woman out with his schlong .

  16. 不同教具对儿童视功能的影响

    Effects of Various Teaching Aids on Visual Function of Children

  17. 中国的公立学校不具备辅助设施和教材教具。

    Public schools in China do not provide accessible materials and instruction .

  18. 基础素描的新型教具&框架式几何形体

    The New Type of Teaching Aid in the Basic Sketch

  19. 对各项教具及设备,请小心维护使用。

    Please maintain and use the teaching aids facilities carefully .

  20. 光束扫描用于改进激光演示教具

    Improvement of laser demonstration teaching aids by using light-beam scanning

  21. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。

    Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids .

  22. 现在这会人们也以此作为它在设计教具句号。

    People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing .

  23. 充分发挥教仪教具在生物学教学中的作用

    Making full use of teaching instruments and aids in the biology teaching

  24. 教具在盲校直观教学中的应用

    Application of Teaching Aids in Object Teaching in Schools for the Blind

  25. 立方密积结构的教具制作和演示

    A self-fabricated teaching aid for cubic stacking and its demonstration

  26. 有时人们认为数学教具是神奇的事物。

    Sometimes people think there is something magic about sensorial math materials .

  27. 教具小制作2例在胚胎学教学中的应用

    Application examples of teaching aid making in embryology teaching

  28. 用于教学的直观教具包括地图和电影。

    Visual aids for teaching include maps and films .

  29. 简易直流电动机教具的制作

    Making of simple teaching aids of direct current motor

  30. 刚体转动欧勒角演示教具

    Demonstrator of the Euler angle in rigid body turning