
  • 网络the church choir
  1. 他是教堂唱诗班的男高。

    He 's a treble in the church choir .

  2. 我记得,小时候,母亲送我去主日学校并鼓励我参加教堂唱诗班时,她常对我说,虔诚基督徒的价值在于他的精神有寄托。

    I remembered that as my mother sent me to Sunday school as a boy , and encouraged me to sing in the church choir , she used to tell me that the value of what she called a good Christian background was in having something to tie to .

  3. 他打6岁起一直在教堂唱诗班里唱歌。

    He has been singing in his church choir since he was six .

  4. 教堂唱诗班的席位建于14世纪。

    The choir dates from the14th century .

  5. 以色列施洗约翰教堂唱诗班,蒙地卡罗,乔治亚州。

    The Beulah Baptist gospel choir , Monte carlo , georgia .

  6. 以色列施洗约翰教堂唱诗班的试唱仍然在进行着。

    Auditions for the Beulah Baptist church choir are still open .

  7. 我们能听见教堂唱诗班气势恢宏的合唱。

    We could hear the lusty singing of the church choir .

  8. 让她到那个教堂唱诗班唱歌。

    And let her sing in that church choir .

  9. 教堂唱诗班厢席。

    The choir loft in a church .

  10. 只是教堂唱诗班唱唱而已。尝试过一次独唱差点昏过去。

    Gabriella : just church choir is all . I tried to solo and nearly fainted .

  11. 之后她在教堂唱诗班里遇到了音乐家乔纳森琼斯,一段深厚的友谊就这样展开了。

    She met musician Jonathan Jones through singing in a church choir and a deep friendship followed .

  12. 海顿出身贫寒,曾当过维也纳大教堂唱诗班的歌童。

    Haydn , the son of poor parents , had been a choir boy in VIENNA Cathedral .

  13. 歌曲以萦绕的哥特教堂唱诗班开头,接着转化成充满能量的舞蹈节拍。

    The song begins with a haunting Gothic church choir , before transforming into an energetic dance stomper .

  14. 我是教堂唱诗班的,今晚轮到我排练。

    ' I 'm one of the church singers , you know , and tonight 's my practice evening .

  15. 一个自愿教堂唱诗班在排练,但他们对政冶比对音乐感兴趣的多。

    17a volunteer church choir is seen during rehearsal , far more interested in social than musical elements of the occasion .

  16. 无论是教堂唱诗班还是街上的舞蹈队,成为特定的群体的一部分可以提升幸福感。

    Whether it 's a church choir or street dance crew , being part of a defined community group raises happiness levels .

  17. 英格兰布里斯托市有一专科学校,叫布里斯托大教堂唱诗班学校。在其一年一度的校友联谊晚宴上,一位男校友谈到战时一件事。

    At an annual reunion dinner at Bristol Cathedral Choir School , an academy in Bristol , England , an old boy recounted a wartime incident .

  18. 而且,我也想指挥教堂的唱诗班。

    And I want to conduct the church choir too .

  19. 她想到教堂的唱诗班唱歌。

    She wants to sing in that church choir .

  20. 宫廷小教堂的唱诗班或管弦乐队。

    A choir or orchestra connected with a place of worship at a royal court .

  21. 我在麦尔切斯特附近一个小教堂的唱诗班里头。

    " I have been singing in the choir of a little church near Melchester ," he said .

  22. 他从小就擅长唱歌,后来成为了温彻斯特大教堂的唱诗班歌手。

    And the young Charles was a good singer . So he ended up as a chorister in Winchester Cathedral .

  23. 要不是这样,我会隐瞒这个事实,即我的妹妹是一位长老会的负责人,我经常在教堂的唱诗班唱歌。

    If not , I 'll hide behind the fact that my sister is a Presbyterian minister and I used to sing in the church choir .

  24. 我还记得小时候,教堂里唱诗班的男孩手捧着蜡烛,以优美悦耳的嗓音唱着赞美诗,将人们的心灵提升至天堂的境界。

    I can remember as a child in church seeing the assembly of choirboys with their lit candles singing Christmas carols in melodious voices , which sent me to celestial realms .

  25. 因此,在9月3日达勒姆发生了惨案,当迈克尔。拉森帮助修复一个大教堂南边唱诗班席位的彩色玻璃窗时,他从梯子上摔了下来。

    Hence the horror in Durham when , on September 3rd , Michael Lassen fell from a ladder as he helped to fix a new stained-glass window in the south quire aisle of the cathedral .

  26. 她们管理着自己所属的那三家教堂、牧师、唱诗班和教区居民。

    They ran the three churches to which they belonged , the clergy , the choirs and the parishioners .

  27. (小教堂的)礼拜在8点钟举行.宫廷小教堂的唱诗班或管弦乐队。

    Chapel is ( ie Services in chapel are ) at 8 o'clock . a choir or orchestra connected with a place of worship at a royal court .