- grave mound;tumulus

[grave mound] 坟墓在地表部分,多为土堆,亦有砖石砌垒者
People visit their ancestors'Graves to sweep away the dirt .
They saw a single grave in the middle of a cemetery .
We lay flowers on her grave once a week .
Because of grave-damps falling round my head ?
Plant thou no roses at my head .
You spend any more on this thing , you can pick the daisies off my grave .
The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave , The lion keeps pacing back and forth in its cage .
The bleak mountain wind , sighing through the olive grove and the tomb-tree , had an uncanny way of forming vaguely articulate sounds .
and birth and gesture and death and the springing of violets from the grave are but a few out of ten thousand resultant combinations .
Fear the nerdy , wordy princess ' cause I 'm throwing more shade than the willow tree growing on your dead mother 's grave .
The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees .
Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
Immediately before her death , my mother said to me : " When spring flowers open , I put some flowers instead , not so damn lonely . "
For10 years , she has been selling items such as incense and candles at a cemetery there , accompanying visitors to their deceased relatives'graves , sprinkling water on the tombs and burning incense .
When timely death my life and fortune ends , Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends , But let all lovers , rich in triumph , come And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb ;
As time advanced , he was old enough to be able to carry a bucket and to usea shovel . He planted a small willow tree on his sister 's grave and came al-most every day to see it and to take care of it .
Now he travels by foot.Belgian Jean-Nicolas Perlot writes : We crossed 200 miles of wilderness full of Indians , bears , panthers , wildcats , snakes of every k ind. The first thing he finds isn 't gold . It 's graves . 200 of them .