
  • 网络Zeta Aquarii
  1. 这个坟墓就象一个洞穴,它没有门,而是滚一块大石头挡在门口。

    It was a cave-like place , and instead of a door , a big stone was rolled in front of the opening .

  2. 安东尼先生,鲸之坟墓只是一个幻想罢了。

    Sir anthony , the graveyard of whales is just a fantasy .

  3. 人生是从摇篮到坟墓的一场搏斗。

    Life is a battle from cradle to grave .

  4. 在金字塔顶上也发现七座坟墓和一个祭坛。

    Seven tombs and one altar were also found on the top of the pyramid .

  5. 提尔锋早已成了她父亲的殉葬品,他的坟墓在一个常有鬼魂出没的小岛上。

    It had been buried with her father , and his grave was on a haunted island .

  6. 亲爱的朋友们,你是否认同婚姻是爱情的坟墓这一说法呢?

    My dear friends , do you quite approve of the idea that marriage is the grave of love ?

  7. 海鸥先是旷远地飞翔,然后安静地骑风,似乎在为坟墓做一个标记。

    The gulls , making their broad flight and then riding at peace , seem to mark the grave .

  8. 我有精神失常的一完全的书在坟墓中一大洪水前的,和看它崩溃到灰尘。

    I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian , and watched it crumble to dust .

  9. 卡片上绘有一座开放的坟墓与一名站在剃刀上的男子。

    The card had a picture of an open grave and a man standing on the edge of a razor blade .

  10. 郑和于公元1433年去世,并且可能葬身于汪洋大海之中,但江苏省现在仍有他的坟墓和一座小型纪念碑。

    Though Zheng He died in 1433 and was probably buried at sea , a grave and small monument to him still exist in Jiangsu Province .

  11. 一位叫魏明河的男子解释说,每一座坟墓代表一个亡人的家,当地的传统要求他们在天亮前完成清明节的仪式。

    A man named Wei Minghe explained that each mound represented a house for the dead , and local tradition called for them to complete the Qingming ritual before dawn .

  12. 例如,追溯到公元前60000年前,在伊拉克北部的一个尼安德特人沙尼达尔墓穴中,研究人员发现,许多药用植物的遗骸,而这坟墓属于一个萨满的。

    For instance , at a Neanderthal burial caveat Shanidar , in northern Iraqdating to around 60000 B.C. , researchers discovered the remains of manymedical plant species , suggesting the grave belonged to a shaman .

  13. 早期阶段,诗人一直笼罩在死亡的阴影之中,诗歌中生命和死亡的统一无处不在,诗人通过诸多的意象来表现生命和死亡,特别是子宫与坟墓这一组意象。

    In the juvenile stage , the poet is hung over by the shadow of death . The unity of life and death could be found easily and expressed in many images especially in that of womb and tomb .

  14. 在他给他的家人挖的坟墓中的一个里面。

    In one of the holes he dug for his family .

  15. “对不起,我办不到,”石匠说,“要是这样的话,违反了一个坟墓只能埋葬一个人的法律。

    " Sorry , but I can 't do that ," replied the stonecutter .

  16. 在我看来你现在情绪这么低落,就像坟墓底下的一具死尸。

    Methinks I see thee , now thou art so low , as one dead in the bottom of a tomb .

  17. 新墓碑上沾满泥土,坟墓上有一个坑,里面灌满了水。

    The new gravestone was stained with mud , and there was a shallow hole in the grave , where the water had poured in .

  18. 她们进了坟墓,看见一个少年人坐在右边,穿着白袍,就甚惊恐。

    5As they entered the tomb , they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side , and they were alarmed .

  19. 贝利没有完全恢复,直到当天的举动,当他去访问狗的坟墓,发现一个巨大的红色蕨类。

    Billy does not completely recover until on the day of the move , when he goes to visit the dogs'graves and finds a giant red fern .

  20. 每一排坟墓属于同一代人,人们从最前面一排开始干活,一直到最近去世人的坟墓&那是他们的父亲,母亲,叔伯和婶娘。

    Each row represented a distinct generation , and the men began their work on the front line , tending the graves of the most recently dead & the fathers and mothers , uncles and aunts .

  21. 她在坟墓上放了一束花。

    She placed a bunch of flowers at the tomb .

  22. 此时她正大不敬地从一个坟墓跳到另一个坟墓;

    She now skipped irreverently from one grave to another ;

  23. 妈妈,那可不是什么坟墓,那只是一个正常的聚会。

    Mum , it isn 't a rave , it 's just a normal party .

  24. 马吕斯鲜血模糊的脸在出气洞的白光中显出来就象从坟墓深处显出来一样。

    Marius'blood-stained face appeared under the wan light of the air-hole like the ashes at the bottom of a tomb .

  25. 应该给隆美尔树立什么样的纪念碑呢?埋葬着他骨灰的坟墓上竖立着一具孤零零的十字架;

    What monuments now stand to Rommel ? There is a bare wooden cross above the grave that holds his ashes .

  26. 如果您不是那么仁慈,我现在就是坟墓里腐烂的一具无头尸体了。

    If you hadn 't been so kind , now I would be a headless corpse , rotting in the grave .

  27. 他看到朱丽叶怀着悲伤的心情,在她眼里,罗密欧似乎就是坟墓里躺着的一具尸首。

    He saw Juliet who was sadly worrying , and to her eyes he appeared as one dead in the bottom of a tomb .

  28. 一个德国足球俱乐部打算为那些准备将自己对球队的热爱带进坟墓的球迷建造一个公墓。

    German football club is planning to set up a cemetery for fans who want to take their love for the game to the grave .

  29. 在朋友的帮助下,他在布拉戈维申斯克市的郊区挖好了一个坟墓,并将一个装有空气管道、放置着一瓶水和一部手机的简易棺材放了进去。

    With some help from a friend , he dug a grave outside of the city of Blagoveshchensk and inserted a makeshift coffin complete with air piping , a single bottle of water , and a cell phone .

  30. 据历史记载,耶稣的坟墓是空的,不可能一个空坟墓被迁到另一个坟墓里,腐朽一年时间后,再把骨头放在一个骨灰盒里。

    By all ancient accounts , the tomb of Jesus was empty , making it highly unlikely that it was moved to another tomb , decayed for one year 's time , and then the bones put in an ossuary .