
  • 网络physiognomy
  1. 相学与中国传统人物画理论研究及其应用

    Physiognomy and Research on the Theory of Traditional Chinese Figure Painting and its Application

  2. 接着,我们通过黑格尔《精神现象学》中对面相学和头盖骨相学的论述,分析了一种反理性的倾向。

    Then , we analyze an anti-rational tendency through hegel 's discussion of physiognomy and phrenology in phenomenology of spirit .

  3. E.C.Bain在X射线金相学方面的重要贡献

    E.c.bain 's important contribution to X-ray metallography

  4. 变质锆石成因的岩相学研究&高级变质岩U-Pb年龄解释的基本依据

    Petrographical study of metamorphic zircon : basic roles in interpretation of U-Pb age of high grade metamorphic rocks

  5. 四川拉拉铁氧化物铜金矿床(IOCG)形成的矿相学证据

    Lala Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposit in Sichuan Province : Evidences from Mineralography

  6. 采集该储层岩样品200余块,进行岩相学分析和敏感性实验表明:PH值越高,地层损害程度越大;

    Combined with core-flood tests for sensitivity evaluation , petrographical analyses were made on more than 200 samples from the reservoir . The results indicate that the higher the PH of the fluids , the severe the formation damage is .

  7. 岩相学和地球化学指标显示三叠纪火山岩为玄武岩,MgO含量均很低(范围在4.27%~7.72%),属于演化岩浆。

    The Triassic volcanic rocks are belonging to basalt based on the petrographical and geochemical indicators . Low contents of MgO ( 4.27 % ~ 7.72 % ) for these basalts indicate an evolved magma .

  8. 从动力学和金相学的角度,说明了ARY合金材料能够适应热油输送工况条件的原因。

    From the angle of dynamics and metallography it is illustrated why ARY alloy is able to fit working condition of hot oil transfer .

  9. 流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温及成分分析结果表明:成矿期石英流体包裹体十分发育,主要有气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2单相三种类型。

    The fluid inclusion petrography , microthermometry and component analysis results show that : Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals are well developed in the mineralization period and can be classified into aqueous two-phase , CO2-rich three-phase inclusions and CO2-pure single-phase inclusions .

  10. Al-Zn-In-Si-Mg系合金牺牲阳极的金相学研究

    Metallography Study of Al-Zn-In-Si-Mg Alloy Sacrificial Anodes

  11. 根据野外地质及室内岩相学、矿物成分和岩石化学的研究,从华南腹地厘定了一条重要的中生代NE向富碱侵入岩带&绍兴-恩平富碱侵入岩带。

    On the basis of the studies of field geology , petrography , mineral compositions and petrochemistry , an important Mesozoic alkali rich intrusive rock zone , the Shaoxing Enping alkali rich intrusive rock zone , is ascertained in the hinterland of South China .

  12. 无机非金属材料专业晶体光学及岩相学实验教学的教改实践

    Practive of the experiment teaching innovation of crystal optics and lithofacies

  13. 为什么星相学不能与科学的神话共存?

    Why can not astrology co-exist with the myth of science ?

  14. 熊耳群火山熔岩的岩相学特征

    Petrographic characteristics of volcanic lava fron xiong ' er group

  15. 金相学在印制板焊料热熔质量控制中的应用

    Metallography application in solder fusion quality control of print board

  16. 长期对于魅惑的探索是星相学普及的原因。

    The quest for enchantment is a reason for astrology 's popularity .

  17. 但是,就骨相学的观点看来,他的脑袋肯定是很出色的。

    but certain it was his head was phrenologically an excellent one .

  18. 铸铁偏析的彩色金相学研究

    A Color Metallographic study on segregation in cast iron

  19. 流行于19世纪,被认为是颅相学。

    Became popular in the nineteenth century , and is known as @ phrenology .

  20. 根据岩相学特征,辉石岩包体可分为两类:绿色辉石岩和黑色辉石岩。

    Two types of pyroxenite xenoliths are noted , namely green and black pyroxenites .

  21. 金相学和材料显微组织定量分析技术

    Metallography and quantitative analysis techniques of materials microstructure

  22. 帕森斯是一位坚定的颅相学信徒。

    Parsons was a committed believer in phrenology .

  23. 沉积岩包裹体的岩相学、分类、术语及常被忽略的基本问题

    Petrography , classification , terminology and fundamental questions ignored usually of inclusion in sediment rocks

  24. 金相学史话(6):电子显微镜在材料科学中的应用

    A Brief History of Metallography : ⅵ . Application of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science

  25. 对于星相学来说重要的是你开始的时间而不是你能做多少。

    In astrology what matters is when you begin , not how much you do .

  26. 碱度对低氟烧结矿强度及其岩相学研究

    Influence of basicity on strength of low fluorine content iron ore sinter and lithology study

  27. 金相学中杠杆定律的应用

    The Use of Lever Law in Metallography

  28. 岩相学,岩类学对岩石的描述和分类岩浆就会上升直达地表。

    The description and classification of rocks . liquid rock can move up towards the surface .

  29. 语相学与诗歌解读

    Graphetics and the Interpretation of Poems

  30. 神经病学的先进研究已证实这是不可能的,此后颅相学开始衰落。

    With advances in neurology , this was shown to be impossible , and phrenology declined .