
  • 网络analog;thing that is similar to another thing
  1. 分别给出了非参数GMDH的系列方法,包括:自组织模糊规则归纳(FRI)、客观聚类分析(OCA)和相似体合成(AC)用于企业市场调查数据分析的算法步骤。

    Produced algorithm steps separately from non-parameter GMDH , including Self-Fuzzy Rule Induction using GMDH ( FRI ), Objective Cluster Analysis ( OCA ) and Analog Complexing ( AC ) used in the enterprise market investigation data analysis .

  2. 使用增加同类经济对象数据样本的方法,解决了自组织数据挖掘算法实际应用的一个矛盾:其相似体合成算法需要大数据样本但复杂经济系统中有效数据样本不足。

    By adding data samples of same type , we have solved one contradiction in application of Self-organizing Data Mining algorithm : its Analog Complexing algorithm needs large data samples while there are only narrow data samples in complex economy system .

  3. 承担某火箭发射装药的相似体的研制任务,设计出了满足药温测量精度要求的相似体。

    Being in charge of developing heat transfer similar model of a rocket charge , the author has devised one which meets the temperature measuring need .

  4. 这些情况可能是由于疼痛所致,尽管相似的体症也可能与麻醉性镇痛药引起通气不足和高碳酸血症有关。

    These findings may be due to pain , although similar signs are associated with inadequate ventilation and hypercapnia compounded by the use of narcotics .

  5. (第五章)四、发展了两种异源质谱的校正新方法,并用于质谱和保留指数都极相似异构体的识别。

    ( Chapter V ) 4 . Two calibration methods to transfer the mass spectra detected in different instruments or under different conditions to target are developed and employed to distinguish isomers with highly similar mass spectra and highly similarly retention indices .

  6. 而且后代把与乐府搜集的歌谣相似的歌体也都称为“乐府”。

    They called the types of songs which resembled those that the music conservatory had collected " music conservatory " songs .

  7. 本文通过聚类分析寻找与中国经济结构最为相似的经济体。

    By using hierarchical cluster analysis , we find another three economies whose economic structure is quite similar with that of China .

  8. 顺/反结构相似的异构体之间红外光谱差异不大,但热力学和低能激发态性质却呈现差异;

    From the theoretical investigation , it is showed that there are no large differences of their IR spectra and other thermodynamic properties between conformational isomers .

  9. 采用了基于固有应变理论的有限元法预测与阀体结构相似的筒体对接多道焊的焊接变形。

    Finite element method based on the inherent strain theory was selected to predict welding distortion in multipass girth-butt welded pipes which is similar to valve structure .

  10. 而Cu-Ni的凝固结构具有与Ni和Ni-Ni凝固后相似的十面体结构。

    However , the freezing structures of the Cu-Ni are decahedron and similar to those of Ni and Ni-Ni .

  11. 并探索了测试粉煤灰或相似粒径粉体的实验方法及一些仪器参数的确定。

    The experiment procedures of fly ash or other powers with similar size and some instrument parameters are also explored .

  12. 目的:分离两种极性极为相似的寡糖异构体并对一种新的糖基化方法进行初步探索。

    Objective : To separate two oligosaccharide isomers which have very similar polarity and to try a new method of glycosylation .

  13. 利用重、磁、电磁异常的相似性确定磁性体有效磁化倾角的方法

    Methods of determining the effective magnetized dip of magnetic bodies by means of the similarities of gravitational , magnetic and electro-magnetic anomalies

  14. 从某种程度上看固体培养下的再生产物和液体培养下相似,正常的体细胞能再生为正常苗,畸形苗,壳孢子以及较多的细胞团等。

    The division and regeneration of nori cells on solid medium is much the same as that in liquid medium in certain extent .

  15. 1千年前,这个地区很有可能还居住着一群相似的部落联合体,但是此时距离欧洲人初次抵达还有500年。

    A thousand years ago , the area was probably inhabited by a similar collection of tribes , but those inhabitants lived half a millennium before European contact .

  16. 在优化了功能单体与烙印分子的比例条件下对于烙印分子及其结构相似的对映体具有良好的手性分离能力。

    The MIPs prepared at optimized ratio of the imprinting molecule to combined functional monomers show excellent chiral separation ability to the imprinting enantiomer and its structurally related enantiomers .

  17. 其他各种真菌芽生孢子产生方式相似,在菌丝体形成后就开始大量以菌丝出芽或缢缩产生芽生孢子,接着还可通过芽生孢子的出芽或缢缩断裂产生新的芽生孢子。

    For the other species , blastospores formed in similar way : blastospore formed in large amount by budding or constriction of hyphae soon after mycelium formation , and then by budding or constriction of blastospores .

  18. 相干数据分析是通对地震道间波形的相似性的计算,实现三维振幅数据体向三维相似系数数据体的转换。

    Coherent data analysis may convert the original cube with 3D amplitude seismic data to other cube with 3D similar coefficient data by calculating the similarity of waveform among seismic traces .

  19. 利用相干数据体检测方法可以解决这一问题。相干数据体是通过对道间相似性等属性的计算,实现三维振幅数据体向三维相似系数等属性体的转换。

    The coherence algorithm can be used to realize the conversion from 3D amplitude data to semblance or coherence attribute data by calculating coherence between seismic traces .