
  1. 通过对agent的功能进行扩充和分工,提出了三层agent的移动数据库系统结构,较好地解决了移动数据库中的数据可用性和位置相关查询等问题。

    The paper expands and classifies the function of agent , brings up a three-tier mobile database structure which efficiently solves the problem in the mobile database such as data availability and location dependence query .

  2. 结合某厂的应用实际,提出了NAIRC-CAPP工艺资源数据库系统结构,建立了工艺资源数据库,分析和解决了开发NAIRC-CAPP系统工艺资源数据库过程中的若干关键技术。

    Based on the condition of the factory , it presents the process resource database management system of NAIRC-CAPP , builds up the database resource for industrial practice , analyzes and resolves some key problems .

  3. 一种分布式多数据库系统结构的提交缓冲设计

    The Committing Buffer Design of A Distributed Multidatabase System Architecture

  4. 光学镜头数据库系统结构与设计

    The Structure and Design of Optical Lens Data Base System

  5. 对当前几种数据库系统结构的设计评注

    Comments on the structural design of the present database systems

  6. 基于可信主体的高可信数据库系统结构设计

    Design of High Assurance DBMS Architecture Based on Trusted Subject

  7. 合理的图纸数据库系统结构,方便了用户的使用和维护;

    Well defined structure of drawing database system is of benefit to its usage and maintenance .

  8. 后端数据库系统结构

    Back-end DB system structure

  9. 串并列式滤色器的理论研究光学镜头数据库系统结构与设计

    Theoretical Study on Series and Parallel Arrangement Optical Filters The Structure and Design of Optical Lens Data Base System

  10. 提出了一种二维的数据库系统结构,同时提供了与其它数据库系统的接口,实现了不同系统间的信息资源共享。

    Most important of all , this pater presents a 2D database system structure , provides interface to other database systems and implements sharable information sources between different systems .

  11. 在组态软件的设计中,实时数据库系统结构的规划和管理系统的具体实现方法是设计的核心和难点。

    In the cause of design of configuration of software , real-time database systematic planning of structure and administrative system concrete implementation method to design core and difficult point .

  12. 按照任务的目的和要求,设计了其数据库系统结构:定义数据、表、创建数据关系模型及设计数据结构。

    According to the demands , the structure of the database has been designed : defining data , defining table , building relation data model and designing the data structure .

  13. 从实际操作角度确定了具体网络技术方案及操作系统、数据库系统结构、社科信息网的管理软件,为社科信息网的构建提供了理论依据和技术支持。

    On the other hand , the concrete technique project , operating system , database system structure and management software are all defined . Provides theoretical basis and technical support for the construction of the information net .

  14. 首先给出了一种分布式多数据库系统结构的事务提交流程,其次对数据通讯的发送缓冲和接收缓冲进行了数据库设计,对其中的关系进行了描述。

    This paper first provides the transaction committing flow chart of a distributed multidatabase system architecture . Then it gives the database design of the sending buffer and receiving buffer , and describes the relations among the tables .

  15. 通用Web数据库系统体系结构研究

    A Study on the Architecture of a Common Web Data Base System

  16. 基于Web数据传输的三层数据库系统的结构研究与开发

    Structural Research and Design of 3-layer Database System Based on Web Data Transmission

  17. 介绍了ACCESS数据库软件系统结构及其功能,以及它在通信监控系统中的应用。

    Describes the structure and function of Access data bank software system and its application to communication monitoring system .

  18. PI实时数据库系统的结构、管理及其应用

    Configuration and Management of PI Real-time Database and its Applications

  19. 介绍了电厂信息PI(PlantInformation)实时数据库系统的结构特点、功能模块、设计原理及数据流程。

    The PI ( Plant Information ) real-time database system is introduced from the structure , function modules , design principle and data flow .

  20. 基于CORBA的多数据库系统体系结构的研究与实现

    Study and implementation of CORBA-based multidatabase architecture

  21. Cache命中率对数据库系统索引结构的性能影响非常大,尤其是对主存数据库索引结构的性能,更是至关重要。

    The Cache hit ratio has important influence upon the performance of index structures of database , especially main memory database .

  22. 介绍网络数据库应用系统结构以及利用Delphi编程方法。

    This paper intends to the structure of the application of network database and the methods of programming of using Delphi .

  23. 本文基于RS、GIS技术构建了洪灾损失评估信息系统数据库、系统结构及其功能。

    Based on RS and GIS technologies , this paper brings forward the construction of database , structure and functions of information system of evaluating losses of flood disaster .

  24. 讨论了实时数据库系统的结构,生成方法和利用JDBC的强大功能把实时数据库联接到Web的设计方案。

    The structure and general method of distributed real time database system , and the design scheme for connection of distributed real time database , and Web using the great function of JDBC are discussed .

  25. 本文在阐述多层数据库系统的结构、功能、特点的基础上,利用C++Builder提供的多层构件MultiTier,给出了多层数据库系统简单的实现方法和步骤。

    This Paper expounds structure function and characteristics of multi-layer database system . On this basic multi-layer component Multi-Tier provided by we give C + + Builder simple implement methods and steps of Multi-layer database .

  26. 石化企业大型实时数据库系统的结构设计

    Framework Design of Large Real-time Database System in Petrochemical Enterprises

  27. 网络数据库应用系统结构及开发-Delphi篇

    The Structure of the Application of Network Database and Programing of Using Delphi

  28. 专家数据库系统的结构分析及其实现

    Structure Analysis of Expert Database System and Its Implementation

  29. 山西高等植物数据库信息系统结构与功能

    An Introduction to the Structure and Function of High Plant Database Information System of Shanxi

  30. 介绍了自主开发的燃气负荷预测数据库系统的结构与功能。

    The structure and functions of self-developed database system for forecasting gas load are introduced .