
  • 网络digital sky survey
  1. 这项研究是斯隆数字巡天项目(SDSS)的一部分。

    The research was conducted as a part of Sloan Digital Sky Survey ( SDSS ) .

  2. 随着现代巡天的迅速发展,星系的光谱数据到达了前所未有的数量,尤其是斯隆数字巡天更是带来了数百万的高质量星系光谱。

    With the advent of large-area spectroscopic surveys , galaxy spectral data reached unprecedent-ed numbers , especially the Sloan Digital Sky Survey provide millions of high-quality spectra .

  3. 本文利用Sloan数字巡天(SDSS)第二次释放的数据(DR2),选取了一个包含有6878个面向(face-on)旋涡星系的大样本。

    A large sample which contains 6878 face-on disk galaxies is selected from the data released by Sloan Digital Sky Servey ( SDSS . DR2 ) .