
  • 网络Number Link
  1. 一类代数数的连分数表示的一个算法

    An algorithm for continued fractions of algebraic number

  2. 同时,他开始过一种相对隔绝的生活,常常数年间连(像列维纳斯那样的)亲密的朋友也不见上一面,同时不断地给他们写长长的信。

    At the same time , he began a lifestyle of relative isolation , often not seeing close friends ( like Levinas ) for years , while continuing to write lengthy letters to them .

  3. 一类实代数数的简单连分数展开式的算法

    Algorithm to Compute Ordinary Continued Fractions for a Kind of Real Algebraic Numbers

  4. 研究表明,给定传感器网络节点数和重连概率后,当网络的近邻节点数取合适的值时,平均路径长度还将进一步降低。继续增大近邻节点数则网络平均路径长度变化不大。

    It is shown that for a given number of sensor nodes and rewired probability , the average path length of a network can be further reduced dramatically at some reasonable neighboring nodes .

  5. 我数了数,连我在内刚好十二位。

    I counted them , and , including me , we were an even dozen .

  6. 本文对该机构的纬密计算,棘爪数、棘轮齿数以及传动连轩长度的确定等设计方法均作了较为详细的介绍。

    This paper deels with the filling density calculation and design methods to determine the num-bers of the pawl and teeth of the ratchet wheel as well as linkage lengths of the mechanism .

  7. 现以2+3这个四次实代数数为例,给出一类实代数数简单连分数展开式的算法。

    In the paper , taking the degree 4 real algebraic number 2 + 3 as example , for a kind of real algebraic numbers , we give an algorithm to compute their ordinary continued fractions .