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  1. 一个方程数和未知量数一样多的方程组将是相容的。

    A system with as many equations as unknowns will be consistent .

  2. 当Re数一定时,通道的压降和端壁的平均换热系数随着旋转数Ro的增大而增加;

    The average end wall heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop are increase with increasing Rotate-Number ( R_ (?)

  3. VALUES条件子句的值的数目必须和INSERT语句中所指定的字段数一样。

    The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement .

  4. PIV测量得到流场速度矢量图及流线图,扰动波幅与波形特征说明,Re数一定时流动稳定性随H值增大而提高。

    Diagrams of velocity vectors and streamlines display waveform and amplitude properties , showing the effect of fibres on enhancing the flow stability .

  5. 广义Fibonacci数列与黄金分割数一种医学图像序列的交互式分割方法

    The general term formula of Fibonacci sequence and golden number ; A Interactive Segmentation of Medical Image Series

  6. 20世纪70年代末,尤其是90年代以来,国际直接投资(FDI)大量涌入我国,我国已成为世界上数一、数二的吸收FDI国家。

    Since the end of 1970s , especially in the 1990s , Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) in large quantities poured into China , which made China become one of the most importing FDI countries .

  7. 就像限制PPT的张数一样,限制你演讲的时间能迫使你将自己的语言浓缩提炼。

    Just like the constraint on the number of slides , a constraint on your speaking time will force you to edit mercilessly .

  8. DG指数在定量多样性时的缺陷及其内涵解析一个方程数和未知量数一样多的方程组将是相容的。

    Pitfalls of DG index in quantifying biodiversity and its intrinsic implication as a community parameter : a comment A system with as many equations as unknowns will be consistent .

  9. Abacus的另一位创始人斯潘塞•舍曼(SpencerSherman)向客户传授一种名为“理财呼吸法”(theMoneyBreath)的呼吸技巧,以帮助他们度过财务难关:一般先吸气,数三下,接着屏住呼吸,数一下,然后再吐气,数六下。

    Spencer Sherman , Abacus 's other founder , teaches his clients a breathing technique called ' the Money Breath , ' to get through tough financial situations : clients typically inhale for three counts , hold the breath for one count , and exhale for six counts .

  10. 总体而言,物种数一定时,功能群多样性较高的群落其生产力水平也较高,而功能群多样性一致时,含C3、C4功能成分的群落其生产力水平较其他群落的高。

    In average , the community with more functional groups , while species richness maintained constant , had higher level of community productivity , and the community containing C_4 and C_3 functional group had higher productivity level than other communities in which same functional groups were included .

  11. 数一下你盘子边的樱桃核。

    Count the cherry stone on the side of your plate .

  12. 数一下这些年轮,一棵树每年长一个年轮。

    Count these rings , a tree grows one ring each year .

  13. 我帮你数一下卖得的钱。

    " I 'll count your money . " said D.

  14. 在这些运动爱好者中,最矫情的要数一群法国知识分子。

    Some of the sport 's most pretentious followers are French intellectuals .

  15. 数一就行了,拜托

    Just say " one , " please . - One . -

  16. 现在,就让我们来历数一下10个古典卡通人物的雷人真相吧。

    Here are 10 surprising facts about classic cartoon characters .

  17. 把匣子里的粉笔数一下。

    Count out the number of the pieces of chalk in the box .

  18. 不过,记分员也在最佳杆数一栏记下了3杆。

    However , the marker also recorded a net3 in the better-ball column .

  19. 请数一下那房子里的椅子。

    Please count the chair in that room .

  20. 让我们数一下人数,确定有多少人要去。

    Let 's do a nose count to see how many people are going .

  21. 问:为什麽退休的人会去数一分钱?

    Question : why do retirees count pennies ?

  22. 我建议你数一下你的蜜蜂。

    I suggest you count your bees .

  23. 我们每年数一次鸟儿,以研究鸟儿在数量方面的变化;

    We do a bird count once a year to study changes in bird numbers .

  24. 清把这些钻杆数一下!

    Please count these drill pipes !

  25. 也就是,它至多会执行,和实际指令数一样多的指令。

    That is , it 's at most the length of the actual number of instructions .

  26. 如果数一下你平时用的中文词汇量,大概也不会超过这个数量。

    I believe even with your mother tongue , maybe you only use that amount of words .

  27. 在所有的阿拉伯马中,耐力最好的恐怕要数一匹名叫麦登的种马了。

    Of all Arabians , one of the most durable must have been the stallion called Maidan .

  28. 如果你要求得到两个字节的数,那么当它们被交回来的时候就要数一数字节数。

    If you ask for two bytes of data , count the bytes when they 're handed back .

  29. 美国太空人在俄国太空舱里,每次的工作时数一向被限制在两小时以下。

    Astronauts have been limited to working less than two hours at a time in the Russian module .

  30. 给出了区间数一致性互补判断矩阵的概念及其判定定理;

    Firstly , the concept of interval numbers consistency complementary judgment matrix and its judgment theorem are given .