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  • 网络Cultural Fault;cultural dislocation;cultural interruption
  1. 各期文化断层的形成均非海侵造成,而是与全新世中晚期气候&海面波动有关。

    Cultural interruption is in relation to the climate-sea fluctuation in mid - and / or late Holocene , not being the result of the transgression .

  2. 中国是世界上少数没有文化断层的国家。

    China is one of the few countries without culture gap .

  3. 长江三峡考古遗址文化断层研究

    Culture Interruptions of Archaeological Sites in the Three Gorges Region of the Yangtze River

  4. 乡土生态退化,乡土文化断层,地域特色消失等问题日益突出。

    Local ecological degradation , local cultural fault and regional characteristics disappearance are becoming increasingly prominent .

  5. 文化断层的客观和普遍存在,说明文化的发展存在着间断性发展的一面;

    The facts of the cultural fault show that the advancement of culture has a character of discontinuity .

  6. 在旧城改造过程中拆除历史性建筑所带来的文化断层、生活环境质量下降等问题已越来越引起人们的重视。

    The rupture of culture is causing more and more anxiety brought by tearing down the historical architecture in rebuilding old cities .

  7. 春秋战国与秦汉之间的音乐文化断层现象研究

    A Research into the Fault Situation in the Music Culture between the Spring and Autumn , the Warring States Periods and the Qin and Han Dynasties

  8. 同时,指出了音乐形态的发展规律,首次提出音乐文化断层理论。

    At the same time , he points out the development law of music forms and puts forward " Theory of music culture " for the first time .

  9. 江南地区夏商文化断层是一个长期的文化断层过程,良渚文化大量海侵遗迹的存在可证明其原因为海侵所致。

    The fault in Xia and Shang culture in Jiangnan area was a long course . The transgression remains found in Liangzhu culture can proved that the form of the fault was caused by transgression .

  10. 但是,它也存在着文化断层现象,现代城市对老城区文化景观的入侵和自身文化群落的衰落以及缺乏系统性的保护规划策略是老城区目前面对的问题。

    However , it also has cultural fault phenomenon , the modern city of the old city cultural landscape and its invasion of cultural community decline and lack of systematic conservation planning strategy is the old city the problems currently facing the .

  11. 红色运动使中国的文化出现断层。

    Red sport cut the Chinese culture in the middle .

  12. 科举制的废除与二十世纪初中国文化的断层

    The Abolishment of Civil Exam and the sears of Chinese Culture in the Early of 20th century

  13. 传统水墨向现代转型的文化精神的断层和缺失

    The Deficiency of the Cultural Spirit in the Passage from the Traditional Chinese Ink-wash Painting to the Modern One

  14. 本文试图通过分析作品中形象的双重性来表现文明断裂的伊斯坦布尔,从而总结出文化之间的断层是这座城市呼愁的主要根源。

    The paper tries to analyze the duality of the image in the works to express the broken Istanbul in civilization and then make a conclusion that the gap between cultures is the main source of the " H ü z ü n " of the city .

  15. 由此,导致造成了窝藏、包庇罪在法律文化上的精神断层。

    As a result , it leaded to cut the development of harboring , shielding in the legal culture , the spirit of weaning .

  16. 总的来说,现代中式家具的设计理念创新必须植根于中国传统文化,衔接起传统中式家具文化的断层,传承和发展传统中式家具文化的精华,并以当代用户需求为中心和着眼点。

    We have to connect the cultural fault of traditional Chinese-style furniture , inherit and develop the essence of the traditional Chinese-style furniture culture , and focus on the demands of contemporary users .

  17. 从黄河中下游地区目前已知的龙山文化遗址分析,龙山文化时期没有发现大的文化断层。

    Analyses into the Longshan Culture known to us at present have found no big cultural faults .

  18. 造成我国信用缺失的原因是多方面的,从文化深层看,主要原因有传统文化思想的影响、东西方文化交流的碰撞、转型期社会的文化断层以及我国现代制度的不完善等。

    There are many factors that lead to a want of faithfulness in all sectors such as impact of traditional culture , conflicts of eastern-western culture , cultural break-up in social transitional period and imperfect social systems .