
  • 网络Introduction to literature;literary theory
  1. 对改革高师《文学概论》课教学的思考

    Reflection on Innovation of Teaching " an Introduction to Literature " in Normal University

  2. 要使《文学概论》课适应当代文学发展新趋向,必须加强高等师范院校文科学生学习《文学概论》重要性的认识;

    The normal university students ' consciousness about the importance of learning " an Introduction to Literature " should be strengthened if we are to make " an Introduction to Literature " adapt to the development of modern literature .

  3. 《文学概论》教材建设的回顾与创新

    Review and Reform of the Textbook Construction of An Survey of Literature

  4. 比较文学概论课程教学的认知与思考

    Reflections on Teaching the Course of Introduction to Comparative Literature

  5. 英语文学概论建构刍议

    Suggestions for the Formation of Introduction to English Literature

  6. 文学概论难学难教的成因分析及教学对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Difficulties in Introduction to Literature

  7. 谈理论联系实际方法在文学概论课教学中的运用

    Applying Theory to Reality in Literature Introduction Class

  8. 高校小教专业的发展与文学概论教材建设

    The development of the major of elementary education and the building of teaching material ' conspectus of literature '

  9. 过渡与扬弃&关于童本文学概论的争论与读解

    The Transition with Develops the Good and Discard the Bad & with to Read the Solution about the Virgin this Literature Introduction Argument

  10. 在教法上,能以创新的精神突破传统教学方法,进行开放式教学,改革现有考核模式,以此提高“文学概论”的教学效果。

    Meanwhile , reforms should be carried out in the traditional teaching and grading methods to improve the quality of teaching Theory of Literature .

  11. 合作性学习理念下的文学概论教学探讨简论文学概论教学中接受者经验的引入

    Study on Collaborative Learning in Literary Theory Course An Introduction of Student 's Reading Experiences into the Course of " Introduction to Literature "

  12. 文章从教学实践出发,对比较文学概论类课程的定位、教学方法、一些基本理论问题的处理及教学中的疑虑等问题,阐述了自己的认知和思考。

    The present study explores the role , teaching methods , some basic theoretical issues and problems as regards the course of Introduction to Comparative Literature .

  13. 比较文学概论是汉语言文学专业中外文化交流方向的专业必修课程。

    An Introduction to Comparative Literature is a compulsory course for the students majoring in the Sino-foreign cultural exchanges in the department of Chinese language and literature .

  14. 第二章探讨西方文学概论的引入路径及其影响。众所周知,文学概论不是土生土长的国货,它是伴随着西方文化、文学的引进和介绍而出现的。

    Chapter two studies the influence of western An Introduction to Literary Theories in China , as it is not " domestic " but " imported " .

  15. 描述中国接受外来文化影响过程中,在形而上的思辨和本质主义的追问中,如何形成现代文学概论范畴、体例的。

    It describes how the categories and models of the modern Chinese An Introduction to Literary Theories have come into being in the process of receiving foreign influence , in the metaphysical reasoning and essentialist pursuit .

  16. 女权主义文学批评概论伍尔夫女权主义文学观论

    A Commentary on Woolf 's Concept of Feminist Literature

  17. 非文学赋概论

    An Introduction to the Non literary Fu

  18. 个性·批评·生本评《寻找权威文学理论概论》

    Individuality , Criticism and Students-orientation & A Review of In Search of Authority : An Introductory Guide to Literary Theory ;

  19. 中国韵文学学科建设概论

    An Introduction to Subject Building of Chinese Verse

  20. 第二部分:中国文学现代化转型概论。

    Part II is a general survey of the modernizing transfer of Chinese literature .

  21. 受此影响,民国时期从理论角度探究文学的文学概论课程并未成为大学国文系学科系统中的重心。

    Then Introduction to Literature which studies literature from theoretical angle was influenced , so it did not become the main part of the system of discipline in Chinese Department .

  22. 中西文学之乌托邦现象概论

    On the Phenomena of Utopia in Chinese and Western Literature

  23. 50年代前期我国文学理论教材建设概论

    On Compilation of Our Country 's Literary Theoretical Textbooks before the 1950s

  24. 从政治话语到文学话语&谈文学概论教材的三个转移

    From Political Discourse to Literary Discourse

  25. 作为对现代中国的文学秩序的总结,这一时期的文学概论著作对象征主义等现代主义文学思潮的兴起、宣传和引导有十分重要的意义。

    As the summarization of Chinese modem literature orders of the time , work of Literature Introduction is obviously very important for the beginning , progressing and direction of Symbolism and other modernist literature trends .

  26. 要建立翻译文学的本体理论,就不能简单地将“翻译文学导论”置于一般的文学概论或文学原理的框架结构中。

    That is , the theory of translated literature , if it is meant to construct a noumenal framework , cannot then be simply placed within the model of ordinary literary introduction or literary principles .

  27. 我国高校英语专业文学课通常的“史”“读”模式已不符合新时代的要求,应开设“文学概论”以适应新时期素质教育和人才培养的需要。

    The old pattern of literature courses in English departments in domestic universities now can not meet the new needs of the time , so that it is necessary to set up a new course , so to speak , Introduction to Literature .