
  • 网络civilized city
  1. 文明城市创建与和谐社会建设

    On the establishment of civilized city and the construction of harmonious society

  2. 生态文明城市是南宁市未来城市的发展目标。

    An ecological civilized city is Nanning 's development goal in the future .

  3. 伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。

    London is confident and alive , resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city .

  4. AHP在全国文明城市测评体系中的应用

    Application of AHP in Assessment of Evaluation System in National Civilized Cities

  5. 生态文明城市构建路径与评价体系研究

    Study on the Construction Path and Evaluation System of Eco-civilized City

  6. 绿色北京:文明城市建设的新实践

    Green Beijing : new practice of the construction of civilized cities

  7. 深化创建文明城市活动的思考

    Pondering about Deepening the Activity of Establishing the Civilized Urban

  8. 沈阳是历史悠久的文明城市之一,你应该去参观。

    Shenyang is one of the historic spots that you should visit .

  9. 创建生态文明城市的理论及实践研究

    The Theoretical and Practical Research on Establishing the Civilized and Ecological City

  10. 文明城市创建中的公众参与问题研究

    On Public Participation to the Construction of Civilized City

  11. 论公共图书馆与文明城市创建

    On Public Library and the Establishment of Civilized City

  12. 第二部分为文明城市创建相关的理论研究综述。

    Part two is an analysis on policy-making in the creation of civilized cities .

  13. 五是全力以赴,搞好创建文明城市工作。

    Fifth , go all out to improve the work of a civilized city .

  14. 文明城市(城区)称号是反映城市(城区)整体文明水平的综合性荣誉称号。

    The title of " civilized city " reflects the overall level of civilization .

  15. 浅谈公共图书馆与文明城市创建的关系

    Talks about Public Library and Building Civilized City

  16. 温州目前正在创建全国文明城市。

    Wenzhou is now establishing national civilized city .

  17. 河北省资源文明城市社区建设对策研究

    Studying on Resources Civilization Cities and Communities Construction , and Strategies in Hebei Province

  18. 生态文明城市评价指标体系初步研究

    Eco-civilized City Preliminary Study on Evaluation Index System

  19. 文明城市建设的理论范式

    The Theoretical Pattern of Civilized City Construction

  20. 足球是城市发展体系中的一个形象工程,是现代文明城市人们生活的一部分,它既有经济价值,又有社会价值;

    Content : Football is an image project of the development system of a city .

  21. 提出了有关于长沙市进行生态文明城市建设的几点建议。

    A few pieces of advice in ecological civilization construction of Yuhua District bad been proposed .

  22. 城市公用事业与创建文明城市

    PU and Creation of Civilized Cities

  23. 从文明城市到生态城市的探索&惠州市城市建设道路分析

    Explore from Civilized City to Eco-city & Analysis the Way of City Construction in Huizhou City

  24. 因此,建设生态文明城市是进行生态文明建设的有效途径。

    As the result , ecological civilization city construction was a effective way to ecological civilization construction .

  25. 建设生态文明城市进程中必须高度重视产业转型。

    Industry transition should be paid more attention in the process of building an ecological civilized city .

  26. 基于文明城市的市民文明素质审视&以惠州市为例

    To Examine the Civilized Behavior of Citizens in a Civilized City & Take Huizhou as an Example

  27. 提出了生态文明城市建设规划指标体系的建立程序、指标选取原则、指标的确定及指标体系的建立等。

    Creation facilities program , index selection principle , index to determine and index system had been proposed .

  28. 重点讲解:因此,必须积极发展公共图书馆事业,以推动文明城市建设。

    So effective measures should be taken to strengthen public library building and pu sh forward civilized city construction .

  29. 城市社区建设是经济社会转型的必然产物,是建设现代文明城市的一项基础工程。

    City community Construction is the inevitable outcome of economic social transformation , and the foundation for building modern civilization city .

  30. 一个城市,不管经济多发达,如果没有安全感,这个城市就谈不上现代化,更谈不上文明城市。

    A city without security would be far from modernization never mind a civilized city no matter how prosperous its ecology is .