
  • 网络Balanced diet;TMR
  1. 提高饲粮能蛋比水平、降低CF含量、平衡日粮AA明显改善生长育肥猪的生产性能及营养物质利用率。

    The experiment manifested that the increase of EPR , the decrease of crude fiber level and the balance of dietary amino acids could improve the performance and nutrient utilization efficiency of growing-finishing pigs at high temperature .

  2. 未成年猕猴最低蛋白质平衡日粮的研究

    Balanced Rations with the Minimal Protein Level for Immature Macaca mulatta

  3. 泌乳期实验兔氨基酸平衡日粮的研制

    Making of amino acid balanced ration for test rabbits in lactation period

  4. 不同阴阳离子平衡日粮对育肥羊增重及其消化功能的影响

    The influence of dietary cation-anion balance on weighting and digestive function of fatting sheep

  5. 小麦-杂粕型氨基酸平衡日粮对生长猪生长性能和经济效益的影响

    Effects of Wheat-Miscellaneous Meal Diets with Amino Acids Balance on Production Performances in Growing Pigs

  6. 低蛋白质的氨基酸平衡日粮降低了日产蛋重(P<0.05);

    The amino acid balanced diets of lower protein decreased daily egg weight ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 不同蛋白质水平条件下氨基酸平衡日粮对生长猪氮、磷及能量代谢的影响

    Effect of Different Dietary Protein Level on Metabolism of Nitrogen , Phosphorus and Energy in Growing Pigs Fed Amino Acid Balance Diets

  8. 按等氮等能的原则平衡各组日粮,基础日粮含5%生大豆。

    The basal diet contained 5 % raw soybean .

  9. 氨基酸平衡的红薯型日粮对生长猪性能的影响

    Effects of amino acid balanced sweet-potato diets on growing pig performance

  10. 随着我国奶牛业的快速发展,奶牛对日粮营养平衡的要求越来越高,而正确理解奶牛的营养需要对制定营养平衡的日粮配方非常重要。

    With the rapid development of the dairy industry of China , it is more and more important for high yield dairy cattle to intake a nutrition balanced ration . Before the design and formulation of rations , it is very important to understand correctly nutrition requirements of dairy cattle .