
  • 网络Flatness Error
  1. 新一代GPS操作技术在平面度误差评定中的应用

    Application of the Next GPS Operation Technology in Flatness Error Evaluation

  2. 基于Matlab的平面度误差最小区域法评定

    The Minimum Zone Method of Flatness Error Based on Matlab

  3. 基于VB精确评定平面度误差

    Accurate Evaluation of Flatness Error based on VB

  4. 以平面度误差数据处理为例,详细介绍了通过MATLAB与VB的集成实现误差数据输入/输出、图形显示等方面的可视化方法。

    Based on the data processing of flatness error , this paper also introduces the methods to achieve visualization in data input / output and figure display , under the environment of MATLAB combined with VB .

  5. 按照国际标准化组织发布的《测量不确定度表示指南》(简称GUM)的要求,根据平面度误差最小区域评定的几何判别准则,推导了有关的不确定度传递公式。

    According to the methods that ISO Guide to the Expression of uncertainty in Measurement ( GUM ) [ 1 ] proposed , and the judgment criterion of minimum zone evaluation of departure from flatness , the estimate of uncertainty propagation formula is deduced .

  6. 为了确保天线低副瓣指标,需要对由DAU拼装形成的天线阵面进行平面度误差分析,并寻求基本拼装单元DAU结构要素与阵面平面度误差之间的联系。

    To obtain low sidelobe level , tolerance analysis is applied to the antenna array composed by DAUs and the relationship between DAU features and surface planeness error are studied .

  7. 为了准确快速评定平面度误差,提出将改进人工蜂群(MABC)算法应用到平面度误差最小区域评定中。

    In order to realize fast and accurate evaluation for flatness error , a Modified Artificial Bee Colony ( MABC ) algorithm is proposed to implement the minimum zone evaluation of flatness error .

  8. 封闭法测量平面度误差的研究

    The study of measuring plane dimension error in a close way

  9. 用作图法求平面度误差的进一步探讨

    Further Discussion on Finding the Flatness Error with the Drawing Method

  10. 一种使用最小包容区域法基于旋转变换求解平面度误差的方法

    The algorithm of least regional method for measuring flatness error

  11. 用坐标平移法简化平面度误差的评定模型

    The Simplification of the Evaluation Model of Flatness Error by Coordinate Translation

  12. 平面度误差的测量及数据处理的教学体会

    Experience on Teaching of Flatness Error Measurement and Data Processing

  13. 平面度误差最小区域评定结果不确定度估计

    Uncertainty Estimate of the Minimum Zone Evaluation Result of Departure from Flatness

  14. 波导缝隙相阵天线阵面平面度误差分析

    Analysis of Surface Planeness Error of Slotted Waveguide Phased Array

  15. 平面度误差的最小区域评定及算法

    Minimum Envelope Zone Evaluation of Flatness Error and Its Algorithm

  16. 用回归分析法评定平面度误差的程序实现

    Program Implementation of Evaluating the Error of the Flatness Using Regression Analysis

  17. 平面度误差评定的快速精确算法研究

    Study on Accurate and Fleet Algorithm for Flatness Error Evaluation

  18. 一种基于区域搜索的平面度误差评定方法

    An Evaluation Method for Flatness Error Based on Region Searching

  19. 小零件平面度误差测量的一种新方法

    New Method for Measuring Small Parts ' Flatness Error

  20. 平面度误差的建模和评定方法的分析

    Mathematical Modelling of Flatness Error and the Assessing Method

  21. 模块化雷达天线阵面平面度误差分析及软件开发

    Surface Planeness Error Analysis & Software Development for Antenna Arrays of Modularized Radar

  22. 一种在线测量平面度误差的新方法

    A New Method of Measuring Flatness Error on Line

  23. 平面度误差检测方法的研究

    The Research of the Measurement Method of Flatness Error

  24. 最小条件平面度误差的快速、精确算法

    Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Minimum Condition Flatness Error

  25. 平面度误差测量数据不确定度的计算

    Uncertainty estimation of measurement data of departures from flatness

  26. 使用迭代重加权最小二乘法求解平面度误差

    Using Iterative Reweighted Least Squares ( IRLS ) Method for Evaluating Flatness Errors

  27. 网格布点法测量平板平面度误差

    Measuring Planeness of a Plate by Mesh Points Method

  28. 用微型计算机处理平面度误差的测量数据

    The Handing of Measured Data for Planeness Error With the Aid of Microcomputer

  29. 求解零件平面度误差的投影变换法

    Projective transform method to solve parts flatness degree error

  30. 基于图形方式的平面度误差显示

    Error - planeness Display Based on Graph method