
fánɡ xiù zhī
  • antirust grease
  1. 用棉纱及煤油洗净机床的防锈脂,然后向主轴的润滑油箱内加入纯净的HJ一30的机械油。

    Clean off the antirust grease with cotton yarn and kerosene , then pour moderate amount of pure HJ-30 mechanical oil into the lubricating oil tank on the main axle .

  2. 电磁离合器安装前必需清洗干净,去除防锈脂及杂物。

    Electromagnetic clutch before installation must clean , remove rust fat and sundry .

  3. 流变特性是后张预应力钢绞筋填充用无粘结防锈脂的重要特性。

    The rheology is the most important feature for the stickless anti-corruption grease in the post-tensioning wire rope .

  4. 盐水腐蚀对车轴的疲劳强度有很大的影响,防锈脂对车轴有一定的防护作用。

    Corrosion by salt water has great effect on the fatigue strength of axles , and the rust resistant grease has certain protection effect on the axles .

  5. 低噪音防锈润滑脂的研究和试验

    Test and Study of the Low noise Anti-rust Lubricating Greases

  6. 重型矿山机械防锈润滑脂的研究矿山机械零件的腐蚀破坏

    The Rust-preventing and Lubricating Grease for Heavy-duty Mining Machines Corrosive Damage of Mechanical Parts

  7. 介绍了新型摩托车链条防锈润滑脂的应用情况,新型摩托车链条防锈润滑脂能够满足摩托车链条封存防锈和运行时润滑的要求。

    The application of new type motorcycle chain antirust grease was introduced , the new type motorcycle chain antirust grease could totally satisfy the motorcycle chain requirements of storage antirust and running lubrication .

  8. 用两种配方的防锈剂改善了脂的防锈性能,研制出与国外同类产品质量相当的镀锌钢丝绳脂。

    Two kinds of rust inhibitors improve on the antirust property . The studied zinc - plated wire rope grease in the quality is equivalent to the same kind of foreign product .