
  • 网络wave wall;parapet wall
  1. 混凝土防浪墙表面镜面效果施工

    Building Experience of Mirror Effect of Concrete Wave Wall

  2. 小浪底大坝防浪墙改建文化墙及名人街项目研究

    Research on Reconstructing the Wave Wall of Xiaolangdi Dam as Cultural Wall and Celebrity Street

  3. 日本沿海筑有长长的大型的防浪墙,海啸警报信号标志也到处可见。

    Tsunami warning signs and large seawalls line the Japanese coast .

  4. 受风浪侵蚀后厂区大堤防浪墙基础的修复加固

    Repairing Breakwater Wall Foundation Eroded by Violent Storm and Sea Wave

  5. 斜坡堤防浪墙型式合理性试验研究

    Experimental Research on Rationality of Wave Screen Types of Sloping Breakwaters

  6. 弧形防浪墙波浪力的试验研究

    Experimental research of wave loads on arc crown wall

  7. 混凝土防浪墙支模三角形同侧拉杆斜撑的应用

    The application of triangle homolateral supporting bar inclined shore in prevent waterwave concret wall

  8. 弧形防浪墙的模型试验

    Model Test of Arc Wave Screen

  9. 例如,对路基进行防护时,可采取防浪墙、防浪堤、膜袋混凝土等防护措施。

    For example , takes protective measures for roadbed , such as wave wall , breakwater , and bag concrete .

  10. 最后,根据模型试验结果,给出有助于弧形防浪墙设计的一些建议。

    At last , according to the results of model test , the paper puts forward some suggestions helpful for arc wave screen design .

  11. 本文分析了太平湖水库防浪墙上的裂缝成因,如混凝土干缩、防浪墙基础对墙身的约束作用等,并提出了避免防浪墙开裂的工程措施。

    This paper analyzed the causes of crevices formation in wall against waves . After this , the construction measures to prevent the wall from forming crevices .

  12. 通过物理模型试验,测量不同底高程条件下防浪墙顶部的越浪量、迎浪面及底面上的波浪压强和防浪墙的整体稳定性。

    Through physical model test , overtopping wave , wave pressure at waveward side and bottom , as well as the overall stability of wave screen are measured .

  13. 结合马来西亚巴贡混凝土面板堆石坝防浪墙顶高程的确定,给出了一种确定面板堆石坝防浪墙顶高程的简单方法。

    This paper presents a simple way to determine crest elevation of the parapet wall of CFRD with high parapet wall in combination with the practice applied for Bakun CFRD in Malaysia .

  14. 因此,在设计和应用弧形防浪墙时,应考虑其整体稳定性和弧形部分的局部稳定性问题。

    Hence , both the structure integral stability and the local stability of the arc part should be considered during the design period of arc wave screen and even in its serviceable life .

  15. 分析了通河县松干堤防一期防浪墙竖向裂纹产生的原因,提出了预防措施。

    This paper analyzes the causation of the vertical rifts in the concrete wall against water wave of the first stage construction of the Songgan Dike in Tonghe County and poses the prevention measure .

  16. 同时,鉴于防浪墙的广泛采用及其经济效益,本文论述了防浪墙上的波浪荷载计算方法。

    A wave wall , an alternative means to seduce the quantity of fill , is widely used in the world , so this paper discussed also the methods of computation of wave loads on it .