
  1. CT表现为有骨壳的膨胀性囊状低密度区。

    CT scanning showed the inflated and cystoid low-density spot with bony shell .

  2. 术前均经CT检查显示椎管内有骨块挤入。

    Every CT image showed there were bone fragments in vertebral canal before operation .

  3. 有骨破坏的上颌窦囊肿的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of maxillary cyst with bone destruction

  4. 本文报告有骨破坏的上颌窦囊肿9例,通过对其CT表现及X平片误诊病例的分析,认为CT对本病诊断有很大价值。

    Nine cases of maxillary cyst with bone destruction were reported in this paper .

  5. 无骨破坏MM患者的生存期较有骨破坏者生存期长。

    Survival of MM patients without bone damage is longer than survival of MM patients with bone damage . 7 .

  6. 所有的患者均有患髋部疼痛,患肢短缩、畸形伴活动受限;血沉、C反应蛋白无明显变化;4例患者X线片有骨缺损表现,其余患者均有骨性关节炎的影像学表现。

    Obvious changes in blood sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein level were not noticed . Two patients ' X-ray films show bone defects , the remaining patients are all positive with osteoarthritis by medical imaging .

  7. KP组骨水泥在椎体内的分布呈团块状,未发现有骨水泥外渗漏;

    In KP group , the cement distribution was agglomerate in vertebral bodies , no leakage was found .

  8. 结论:骨转移癌和代谢性骨疾病在常规骨显像图上呈过度暴光表现的患者99mTc(V)DMSA显像证实有骨摄取增高。

    In the All patients with metablic bone disease had increased bone uptake on TC-99m ( V ) DMSA scans .

  9. 结果X线片上A组至8周时仍未出现连续的骨痂,B组和C组分别在8周和4周时有骨痂连接截骨断端。

    Results Radiographically , the distracted area in group B and group C was bridged by callus respectively at the 8th week and 4th week after the 2nd surgery , while union was not noticed in group A by the 8th week .

  10. 随访20例,未坚持用药者PSA再次升高3例,局部病变加重或有骨转移者PSA明显升高8例。

    20 cases were followed up . There were 3 cases PSA increase due to without further therapy , 8 cases with severe local lesion and bone metastasis .

  11. 结果显示:与D组比较,C组椎间盘退变明显,椎体骨髓血窦普遍扩大,提示可能有骨内高压存在;

    The results showed that in comparison of Group D , the degeneration of the intravertebral disc was obvious and marrow . sinus of the vertebral body was generally enlarged in Group C , indicating that the high pressure might exist inside the bone .

  12. 实验结果提示,模拟失重大鼠有骨矿盐再分布现象发生,OVX大鼠无此现象。

    The results indicate that the mineral redistribution and bone loss are presented in trabecular bone of suspended rats , but not in OVX rats .

  13. 方法:建立犬的骨移植动物模型,15只犬左右前肢随机分成辐照组和无辐照组,加有骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)组和无BMP组,冷冻干燥骨组和低温冷冻骨组。

    Methods The animal model of the dogs bone transplantation were establish , 15 dogs were randomly divided into three groups : irradiation or non - irradiation group , BMP - adding group or non - BMP-adding group and cryopreservation or lyophilization group .

  14. 75例HPO有骨关节痛和杵状指症状者占33.3%,可作为胸部肿瘤主要是肺癌的首发症状。

    Digital clubbing and arthralgia were presented in 25 ( 33.3 % ) of the 75 patients with HPO . They may be the first sign of the intrathoracic tumors especially of bronchogenic carcinoma .

  15. 结果:扫描电镜观察到16周时C/C、CCH与植床骨组织结合紧密,未见胶原纤维,CCH孔内的HA部分被吸收,有骨组织长入。

    Results : Under SEM , the implant bone interface of C / C and CCH was osseointegration , collaginous fibre was not found at 16th week , hydroxyapatite ( HA ) on the CCH implant surface was partly absorbed , new bone has grown into HA holes .

  16. 表面镶嵌多孔钛的人工股骨柄复合BMP后,界面间早期即有骨形成,随时间延长骨-假体界面间的骨形成的量逐渐增多,术后6周骨组织充满镶嵌材料的全层。

    After combining with BMP , implant shaft with surface modification of porous titanium had bone formation in the interface layer early after operation . Implant-bone surface bone formation was found to increase with time . Six weeks after operation , bone ingrowth had reached the whole integrated material layer .

  17. 骨病变有骨吸收、并骨软化和骨质疏松;

    Bone lesions included bone resorption , osteomalacia and osteoporosis .

  18. 组织学观察发现在Ⅲ类功能矫形力作用下骨缝内成骨细胞活跃,骨的沉积非常明显,部分骨缝可同时有骨的吸收存在。

    Craniofacial sutures were activated by class III orthopedic forces in histological observation .

  19. 此例有骨的局灶性病灶,接近受累淋巴结。

    This is an example of focal bone disease near involved lymph nodes .

  20. 有骨的有许多骨头构成骨架的。

    Having an internal skeleton of bones .

  21. 我们所有的刀具都有骨柄。

    All our cutlery has bone handles .

  22. 眼睛周围有骨脊的凯门鳄;产于从墨西哥南部到阿根廷的地区。

    Caiman with bony ridges about the eyes ; found from southern Mexico to Argentina .

  23. 因此,既有骨传导作用又有骨诱导作用的复合支架材料由此诞生。

    Therefore , the composite scaffold material that has both boneconduction and induction effect was born .

  24. 常有骨缺失,处理有一定难度。对于不典型的病例确诊有一定的难度。

    The loss of local bone . For atypical cases , definite diagnosis has certain difficulty .

  25. 各种有骨壳和适于游泳的鳍状肢的水栖或陆栖爬行动物。

    Any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming .

  26. 同时都有骨外脓肿形成,好发生于扁骨和下肢关节;

    Osteolytic lesion and arthritis are liable to develop at flat bones and joints of the leg .

  27. 腓肠神经营养血管筋膜组织瓣在合并有骨外露的小腿软组织缺损修复中的应用

    Application of sural neurocutaneous vascular flap in repairing soft tissue defect of the leg associated with bone exposure

  28. 术后3周即有骨长入多孔钛,可达嵌入材料全层的一半。

    Three weeks after operation , bone ingrowth was found to reach half of the integrated material layer .

  29. 而实验组术后骨陷窝内始终有骨细胞充填。

    While osteocytes were found in bone lacuna of transplanted bone in experimental group all along , Karyopyknosis .

  30. 用于校正关节内畸形愈合的截骨术供选方案有骨软骨切除术、关节成形术或关节融术。

    Alternaties to corrective osteotomy for intra-articular malunions include excision of osteocartilaginous spurs , arthroplasty , or arthrodesis .