
  1. 今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日当

    Today 's wine I drink today ; tomorrow 's sorrow Bear tomorrow

  2. 今朝有酒今朝醉。

    Let us eat and drink , for tomorrow we shall die .

  3. 它不是今朝有酒今朝醉,只顾现在,不顾将来。

    It doesn 't mean having wine today to inebriate today , only caring now , not worrying the future .

  4. 那些一心要“今朝有酒今朝醉”的人们,往往对潜伏期较长的危害不放在心上。

    Those with a mind to " live for today " are apt to be indifferent to health risks that have a very long incubation period .

  5. 这样的选择可能满足了个人的需求,但小资“今朝有酒今朝醉”的心态却让老辈人对下一代未来的经济基础有所担心。

    Such choices may be individually fulfilling , but the " live it up " mentality of the Xiaozi provokes concern from older relatives , who worried about the next generation 's financial future .

  6. 也许,“越大就越好”和“今朝有酒今朝醉”之类的想法已经日渐过时&尤其是在全球金融结构近乎瓦解的情况下。

    Perhaps the idea of " bigger is better " and " you can 't take it with you " are now becoming outdated and outmoded ideologies & especially with the near collapse of worldwide financial structures .