
  • 网络Don't Be Waiting
  1. 生活中最痛苦的事情莫过于等待,然而,最美好的事是拥有值得等待的人。

    The worst part of life is waiting , the best part of life is having someone worth waiting for .

  2. 浪搏恩一家人每天都过得非常心焦,最焦急的时间莫过于等待邮差送信来。

    Every day at Longbourn was now a day of anxiety ; but the most anxious part of each was when the post was expected .

  3. 人生道路上最难的两个考验,莫过于那份等待自己想要的东西的耐心,以及期盼没有到来时不畏惧失望的勇气。

    Ultimately the two hardest tests on the road to personal growth are the patience to wait for what you want and the courage not to be disappointed when it doesnt arrive as soon as you had expected .