
  • 网络Amedeo Modigliani
  1. 莫迪里阿尼画中的妇女都长着奇长无比的脸。

    Modigliani 's women have strangely elongated faces .

  2. 那眼睛,没有在画布上,而是在莫迪里阿尼的心里。

    Those eyes are in the heart of Modigliani not on the drawing .

  3. 迈亚特是一位大师作品伪造专家他伪造莫奈(Monet)、毕加索(Picasso)和莫迪里阿尼(Modigliani)的作品他的作品非常具有收藏价值。

    Myatt is a master forger – he makes Monets , Picassos and Modiglianis – whose works have become eminently collectable .

  4. 莫迪里阿尼是二十世纪活跃在巴黎画坛的一位奇才。

    Modigliani is a hot stuff in the twenties century on Paris'painting world .

  5. 莫迪里阿尼则是在欧洲现代艺术反传统的语境中,用他的作品捍卫着意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术传统,使自己成为人的守护者。

    While by using his works , Modigliani defended the art tradition of the Italian renaissance under the anti-traditional environment of European modern art , making himself a guardian of " human " .

  6. 其余被盗的还有乔治?布拉克的《埃斯塔克附近的橄榄树》、阿美迪奥?莫迪里阿尼的《执扇子的女人》以及莱热的《静物与吊灯》。

    The others were Braque 's " Olive Tree near Estaque ", Modigliani 's " Woman with a Fan " and Leger 's " Still Life with Candlestick ," according to the website of Le Parisien newspaper .