
  • 网络Muscovy Company
  1. 莫斯科公司特权与组织管理研究(1553-1603)

    A Study of Muscovy Company 's Privileges and Organization Administration ( 1553-1603 )

  2. 但提供该(音乐下载)服务的莫斯科公司,昨天坚称其业务遵守俄罗斯版权保护方面的法律,而且其做法有助于预防侵权。

    But MediaServices , the Moscow company running the service , insisted yesterday that it complied with Russian law on copyright protection and actually helped to prevent piracy .

  3. 虽然在俄罗斯打开了新的装瓶厂外的莫斯科,百事公司董事长兼首席执行官英德拉?

    While in Russia to open a new bottling plant outside of Moscow , PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi made the announcement .

  4. 从事俄罗斯及周边国家农产品市场研究的莫斯科农业咨询公司的经理斯佐夫说,在满足了国内市场之后,俄罗斯今年可以有上千万顿的剩余粮食可供出口。

    Andrei Sizov is an executive at SovEcon , an agricultural consulting firm in Moscow that focuses on market news from Russia and the surrounding region .

  5. 专门做俄罗斯包清关、包税运输的,在莫斯科有分公司,专门做这个清关已经做了14年。

    We specialize in clearance of the Russian package , including tax transport , in the Moscow branch , special clearance to do this has been done for14 years .

  6. 照片上,朝鲜与苏联在1950年联合成立、用以连接首都平壤和莫斯科的航空公司仿佛陷在了时间陷阱中。

    From the photos , the airline , which was founded in 1950 as a joint North Korean-Soviet partnership to connect the capital Pyongyang with Moscow , appears to be stuck in a time warp .

  7. 毕业后他在莫斯科的三星电子公司工作。

    After graduation he worked for Samsung Electronics in Moscow .