
  • 网络Mona;MANOA;Monet;Merlot
  1. 她行走到莫纳卡拉的一个居民区附近时遭人攻击。

    The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra

  2. 还有些人怕得到莫纳那样的下场。

    Others think you 'll pay them mornay 's wages .

  3. 所有这一切都没有任何许可证,并完成了从莫纳棒许多帮助。

    All of this completed without any permits and a lot of help from Mona and Rod .

  4. 莫纳在电话与我们的朋友接触到和平卡梅尔谁安排了我们在巴黎见面。

    Mona was in phone contact with our friend Carmel from PEACE who had arranged to meet us in Paris .

  5. 从这时候开始,小规模的地震和山体的膨胀说明莫纳罗亚火山的通道系统再一次开始活动。

    Since then , small earthquakes and swelling of the mountain indicate that Mauna Loa 's plumbing system is again active .

  6. 去年一整年他们都住在位于莫纳罗亚火山的圆顶屋里,要想外出只能穿着太空服。

    For the past year , the group in the dome on a Mauna Loa mountain could go outside only while wearing spacesuits .

  7. 正如大多数香茶菜属的植物,‘莫纳熏衣草’喜好富含腐殖质的肥沃土壤,所以园丁们不要对复合肥说“不”。

    Like most Plectranthus species , 'Mona Lavender'enjoys a rich soil with plenty of humus , and won 't say no to extra compost !

  8. 其后,骆家辉的妻子莫纳,也用不太流利的中文,向到场的记者,表示了感谢。

    Since then , Locke 's wife , Mona , and not fluent in Chinese , to the scene of reporters , expressed his gratitude .

  9. 但是,南苏丹地图制作办公室主任查尔斯.莫纳说,谷歌这个项目所提供的数据仍可能对南苏丹在边界争论中有帮助。

    But Charles Mona , who heads the south 's mapping office , said the data that the Google project provides could still help the south in the border dispute .

  10. 因为这项协议,鲍尔公司已经成功的为克斯顿保斯彻植物园经营销售了艾氏香茶菜‘莫纳熏衣草’,销路遍及北美,欧洲,尤其是英国,南非和澳大利亚。

    As a result of this agreement , Ball have effectively marketed and sold Plectranthus'Mona Lavender'for Kirstenbosch throughout North America , Europe , especially in the UK , South Africa and Australia .

  11. 在莫纳罗亚山斜坡上八个月的自愿“监禁”期间,外出散步意味着要穿上宇航服、忍受气闸仓气压变化——这可不是保持头脑清醒的良方,而是为人类在火星上的首个定居点生活做准备。

    During eight months of voluntary confinement on the slopes of Mauna Loa , a walk outside meant donning spacesuits and grappling with airlocks - hardly a recipe for mental clarity but , instead , preparation for what life might be like in the first human settlement on Mars .