
  • 网络mollie;molly;morley;MAURY;David Morley
  1. 埃里克莫利最初提出的比基尼泳装比赛。

    Eric Morley originally proposed a bikini contest .

  2. 记者莫利安全没有发现,在爱达荷州,一个显着的美国原大草原。

    Correspondent Morley Safer did and found , in the panhandle of Idaho , a remarkable American original .

  3. 莫利跳了起来,气急败坏地大吼起来。

    Molly leapt to her feet , spluttering and howling with rage .

  4. 莫利笑话我糟糕的方向感。

    Molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction .

  5. 我的名字叫莫利,mori,莫利。

    My name is mori , m o r I , mori .

  6. 来自智库未来资源研究所(ResourcesfortheFuture)的经济学家莫利?麦考利(MollyMacauley)曾对这问题进行过一段时间的思考。

    Economists such as Molly Macauley of Resources for the Future , a think-tank , have been pondering this problem for some time .

  7. 上周三触发了断路开关机制的股票包括莫利矿业(Molycorp)、数据供应商CoreLogic、化学品生产商KronosWorldwide、中国脐带血库公司(ChinaCordBloodCorp)以及铁路运输商TrinityIndustries。

    Among the stocks that triggered circuit breakers on Wednesday were Molycorp , CoreLogic , Kronos Worldwide , China Cord Blood Corporation and Trinity Industries .

  8. 正如一名分析师所说的那样,假如把稀土矿业公司比作新的网络股,那么莫利矿业公司(Molycorp)俨然就是亚马逊(Amazon)。

    If rare-earth mining companies are the new dotcom stocks , as one analyst has put it , then Molycorp looks the most like Amazon .

  9. 美国企业与政治家的担忧也让总部位于科罗拉多州的矿业公司莫利矿业(molycorpminerals)有了更加强烈的紧迫感,准备将位于加州帕斯山的稀土矿投入全面生产。

    Concern among US businesses and politicians has given an increased sense of urgency to Molycorp minerals , a Colorado-based mining company , to ready its rare earth mine in mountain pass , California , for full production .

  10. 作为加泰罗尼亚人,格罗在鲁西永感到尤为自在他的第一份工作是在莫利(maury)的合作社,莫利是鲁西永葡萄酒革命事实上的中心。

    As a Catalan Gros is particularly comfortable in Roussillon his first job was at the co-operative in Maury , virtual epicentre of the Roussillon Wine Revolution .

  11. 总部位于加利福尼亚的莫利矿业公司(Molycorp)和澳大利亚Lynas矿业公司是中国以外的两大稀土矿商。它们表示,到2012年9月将增加2.6万吨供应。

    The two major non-Chinese miners of rare earths , California-based Molycorp and Australian miner Lynas , have said they will add an estimated 26,000 tonnes of supply by September 2012 .

  12. 他表示,世界迫切需要新的稀土供应商,其中包括Lynas和在美国上市的莫利矿业公司(Molycorp)。但他同时指出,中国也乐于看到出现新的供应商。

    He said the world sorely needs new suppliers of rare earths , including Lynas and US-listed Molycorp , but also pointed out that China also welcomed the arrival of alternative suppliers .

  13. 爱马仕负责财务和行政的董事总经理莫利(MireilleMaury)说,我们必须考虑到市场消化涨价的能力。

    ' We must take the market 's capacity to absorb the price hikes into account , 'says Mireille Maury , Hermes 's managing director for finance and administration .

  14. 比如说,稀土元素实际上并不稀有,只是由于中国的谋略,才导致稀土元素供应紧缺,使得在中国之外拥有未开采稀土矿场的公司受到了热捧,如莫利矿业(molycorp)。

    For example , rare earth elements , whose short supply due to Chinese machinations spurred a boom in companies that own non-producing mines elsewhere , such as Molycorp , are not rare at all .

  15. 嗯,莫利冲大家生气,然后上了楼。

    Well , Molly was angry with everyone and went upstairs .

  16. 接着你去莫利的房间见她了?

    ' And did you see Molly in her room ? '

  17. 莫利矿业公司股价下跌12.7%,至24.45美元。

    Shares in Molycorp fell 12.7 per cent to $ 24.45 .

  18. 最重要的是,莫利有现在的工作。

    Most important of all , Molly has a job now .

  19. 我叫莫利,但是已经没有人再那样叫我了。

    I 'm molly , but nobody calls me that anymore .

  20. 我需要钱,因为我的妻子安妮莫利的姐姐病得很重。

    I need money because my wife AnnieMolly 's sisteris very ill .

  21. 艾伯特走进来,立刻便走向莫利。

    Albert came in and went at once to Molly .

  22. 他是谁?他很生你的气,莫利。

    Is he ? He 's very angry with you , Molly .

  23. “他不喜欢的是莫利,”艾伯特说。

    ' It 's Molly he doesn 't like ,' Albert said .

  24. 罗杰是莫利的儿子,她的第二个孩子。

    Roger was Molly 's son , her second child .

  25. 乔在与莫利的辩论中失利。

    Joe got the worst of the argument with molly .

  26. 与刚开始在该银行工作的年轻出纳员贝蒂?莫利交谈。

    A young teller who has just started working at the bank .

  27. 我经常听见莫利在她的房间里唱歌。

    I often hear Molly sing songs in her room .

  28. 他立即上楼查看莫利的尸体。

    He went upstairs at once and looked at Molly 's body .

  29. 经过两个月辛辛苦苦的死记硬背,莫利总算勉强通过了期终考试。

    By two months of hard cramming Moley squeaked by the finals .

  30. 莫利:今晚你要和我上影院吗?

    Molly : will you come with me to the theatre tonight ?