
  1. 印度颁布新法令,允许印度人在不存在任何不敬的前提下穿着印有本国国旗的服装。对此时装设计师尼克黑尔梅赫拉表示欢迎。

    An Indian Fashion designer , Nikhil mehra , welcomed the new ruling which allows Indians to wear images of their flag on their garments , provided they do not show disrespect .

  2. 印度最高法院的法令出台前不久,印度北方邦的官员们在位于阿格拉市的陵墓附近为泰姬陵落成350周年举行了庆祝纪念活动。

    The Supreme Court announcement came as state officials in Uttar Pradesh were celebrating the Tajs350th anniversary close to its site in the city of Agra .