
  • 网络Printing Ink
  1. 本文在分析国际国内常用印刷墨区控制方法的基础上,提出了一种将RIP加网后的TIFF图像,作为墨区控制的基础源图像,经过数据补偿转换获得墨区控制数据的方法。

    Based on the analysis of international and domestic common printing ink zone control methods , this paper put forward a way a way which hold tiff images after RIP as basic source images , then obtain the data of ink zone through compression and conversion process .

  2. 包装印刷墨层厚度与密度的关系

    Study on the Relationship Between Printing Ink Thickness and Density

  3. 粗糙表面印刷墨层的光学传递函数

    Optical Transfer Function of the Rough Layer of the Printed Ink

  4. 提高印刷墨量控制数学模型精度的探讨

    Increasing the Mathmatical Model Accuracy of Ink Feeding Control

  5. 原纸表面施胶对涂布涂层覆盖率和印刷墨斑的影响

    The Influence of Surface Sizing on Coating Coverage and Mottle of Coated Paper

  6. 基于非线性辨识理论印刷墨区控制探讨

    Study of Inking Zone Control Based on Non-linear Identification

  7. 柔版印刷墨量直接检测方法的探讨

    Direct - Test of Ink Amount on Flexography

  8. 印刷墨斑是影响印刷质量的因素中最具损害性的一个,要得到高品质的印刷品首先要解决墨斑问题。

    Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality , and to get high quality print , the most important is to resolve print mottle problem .

  9. 在湿式叠印时,先印的油墨不但不能把第二次的印刷墨牵着,而且让第二的印刷墨把部份的先印墨拉去的情况。

    In wet-on-wet printing , the condition that the first down ink was unable to trap the second printing ink but part of it was taken away by the second printing ink .

  10. 把粗糙墨层等价于随机透射屏,从光信息传递角度研究了印刷墨层粗糙度对图文复制质量的影响,并建立了相应的光学传递函数。

    The rough layer of the printed ink was taken as the random transparency screen , and the effect of the rough layer for the printing quality was studied with the optical information theory . The optical transfer faction applied to evaluate the imaging character has been obtained .

  11. 快干丝网印刷调墨油的研制

    The Development of Quick Drying Sereen Printing Varnish Air piddler

  12. 包装印刷图文墨膜的迁移、变色、褪色及其解决方案

    Packaging and (?) ting ink film : transfer , discolor , fade and its solution

  13. 选用混合溶剂与适当树脂单体合成快干丝网印刷调墨油。

    The quick drying screen printing varnish was made from the adaptable resin monomer and the mixed solvent .

  14. 本文作者以济南兰光设备为例,论述了塑料薄膜玻璃纸、复合膜印刷的墨层结合牢度质量如何,及其在包装印刷中的重要作用。

    As example of JiNan LanGuang equipments , the author expounds the important function of quality control of ink layer binding fastness of polyethylene printing and composed layer printing in packaging printing .

  15. 印刷机串墨机构三维参数化设计

    The three - dimension parametric design of oscillating mechanism

  16. 喷墨成像印刷系统供墨压力均布自动调节元件的设计研究

    Study on The Pressure Auto-regulatory Element of The Supplying ink For Inkjet Imaging Printing System

  17. 对不具备CIP3/4接口的印刷机的墨量预置问题进行了研究。

    The problem of ink still of the printing press without CIP3 / 4 is discussed .

  18. 在喷墨印刷中,墨滴与纸张接触以后发生铺展,引起了物理网点扩大。

    In ink-jet printing , when ink and paper contact , it becomes spreading . This causes physical dot gain .

  19. 主要研究了凹版印刷采用刮墨刀与印版滚筒相同和相反方向以及不同印版滚筒速度对网点增大值的影响。

    The influence of different direction between plate cylinder and doctor blade , and different plate cylinder speed on dot gain in gravure printing was discussed .

  20. 分析了丝网参数、模版厚度、油墨粘度及印刷作业参数对墨层厚度的影响。

    The article analyzes some of the factors , such as mesh parameter , stencil thickness , ink viscosity and printing operation .

  21. 阐述了密度检测的原理,分析了包装印刷中使用密度检测法进行印刷墨量控制、油墨颜色质量评价、灰平衡数据计算、网点面积率检测的原理和方法,具有实际应用价值。

    The principle of density detection was discussed . The fundamentals and methods of the application of density detection in printing ink quantity control , the color quality evaluation of the printing ink , the calculation of gray balance data , and dot percentage checking were discussed .

  22. 输墨系统的优劣直接影响到印刷机速度和印刷品质量,对现代输墨系统设计方法的分析和研究将有助于印刷机输墨系统的设计和改进。

    The performances of an inking device on an offset printing press directly affect the print quality and the printing speed of a press .

  23. 网穴特别设计用于大墨量印刷以保证表面流平性。用于上光和印刷不透明白墨达到完美的效果。

    A screen designed to apply heavy coatings ensuring a flat lay of solution , excellent for direct coat applications and opaque white .

  24. 印刷纸张的表面经过化学处理,以便非印刷区域吸水,而印刷区域吸墨。

    The printing surface is chemically treated for the reception of water in non-print areas and ink in print areas .

  25. 研究了油墨在印刷中的传输和转移理论,分析了影响油墨转移的主要因素,从而提出了印刷机给墨量的计算方法,建立了给墨量数据计算模型。

    Study the theory of ink transmission and transfer in printing , analyze the main factors affecting ink transmission and transfer , and propose the methods of calculating the ink consumption , build up the model of ink consumption . 4 .

  26. 印刷适性:纸张的综合特性:平滑,硬度,白度,不透明度等。它影响印刷品的吸墨程度和外观效果。

    Printability : The combined paper characteristics of smoothness , hardness , whiteness , opacity and others , which affect the receptivity of ink and the printed appearance .