
  • 网络rotational viscometer
  1. 涂料黏度测定&旋转黏度计法

    Viscosity measurement of paints by rotating viscometer

  2. 利用旋转黏度计,全面研究连铸保护渣的黏度、凝固温度和黏性活化能与碱度、综合碱度之间的关系。

    By rotating viscometer , the relationships among the viscosity , solidification temperature , activation energy of slags , R and BI are studied .

  3. 借助旋转黏度计考察了海藻酸钠/明胶混合水溶液的流变性能,发现混合溶液具有剪切变稀的非牛顿假塑性流体特征;

    The rheological properties of aqueous mixed solutions from sodium alginate and Gelatin were investigated by using a rotating rheometer . It is found that the mixed solutions behaved as non-Newtonian shear-thinning fluids .

  4. 对同轴圆筒旋转黏度计的测量原理作了深入描述,对于理解旋转黏度计的构造原理以及测量条件,规范流体黏度的计量工作提供了帮助。

    Based on a detailed analysis on the principle of coaxial cylinder rational viscometer , it gives a promotion to comprehend its principle of conformation or condition of testing better , and furthermore , it gives a help on establishing the standardization of the rheological measurement .

  5. 采用自清洗旋转式黏度计检测高血压患者全血黏度(高、低切)、血浆比黏度、红细胞压积、全血还原黏度和K值方程。

    The whole blood viscosity ( high and low shearing ), plasma viscosity , haematocrit , whole blood reduced viscosity and K value equation were detected with the auto cleaning rotating viscometer .

  6. 双转鼓流化床大颗粒尿素装置运行总结旋转式黏度计的研制

    Summary on the operation of double rotary drum fluidization bed large granule urea plant