
  1. 在本文中我们得到了慢速运动中两个球对称非旋转天体在辐射作用力影响下的运动方程。

    In the slow speed motion approximation , we have obtained the equations of motion for two spherically-symmetric , non rotating bodies with the radiative force .

  2. 本文分别根据Kerr-Newman度规及矢引力子场度规场引力理论探讨旋转带电天体表面的温度分布,并进行比较,特别对脉冲星作了具体计算。

    In this paper we discuss some thermodynamic properties of a rotating and charged stellar object according to the theory of Kerr-Newman 's metric field and VGM ( the Theory of Gravitation by Considering the Vector Graviton Field and Metric Field ) .

  3. 快速旋转致密天体的平衡位形及其引力效应

    The Equilibrium Configurations of Rapid Rotating Compact Stars and Some Gravitational Effects

  4. 太阳以及在它的引力场内围着它旋转的天体。

    The sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field .

  5. 旋转带电天体外引力场某些性质的研究

    An investigation of some properties of the metric field outside a rotating and charged object under VGM

  6. 小行星一种围绕太阳旋转的小型天体,其运行轨道多集中在火星和木星的轨道之间,特征是直径为几公里至几百公里。

    Any of numerous small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun , with orbits lying chiefly between Mars and Jupiter and characteristic diameters between a few and several hundred kilometers .