
  1. 对操作结果的了解(knowledgeofresults,KR)是动作学习中使用最为广泛的研究变量。

    Knowledge of results ( KR ) is the most extensively examined variable in motor learning .

  2. 对18项指标与微小按蚊密度的关系进行灰色关联度分析,按照灰色阈值筛选评价指标,合成变量E,研究变量E与微小按蚊密度的关系,从而建立微小按蚊密度评价灰色模型。

    Minimus density were collected from 1984 to 1993 . Grey correlation analysis was carried out to study the relationship of 18 indices with An . minimus density . E variable was developed and its relation to the An .

  3. 以菌斑指数(PU)、龈炎指数(GI)、临床附着丧失(CAL)均值、牙齿脱失个数等作为研究变量。

    Plaque index ( PLI ), gingivitis index ( GI ), mean clinical attachment loss ( CAL ), and numbers of missing teeth were served as the study variants .

  4. 在实证分析过程中,运用JJ协整和格兰杰因果检验分析长期的稳定关系,通过建立VAR模型,采用脉冲响应和方差分解研究变量之间的动态关系。

    We use JJ cointegration and granger causality test to analysis a stable relationship , and use impulse response and variance decomposition to analysis dynamic relationship between variables through the establishment of the VAR model .

  5. 然后根据前文分析,并结合样本数据的特征,选用BDTI运费指数和两家航运上市公司的股票价格的时间序列作为研究变量。

    According to the preceding analysis , combining with the characteristics of the sample data , the BDTI and two listed tanker companies ' stock price are chosen as variable .

  6. 界定了组织文化的研究变量,确定了组织文化的结构。

    Organizational culture variables and structure are defined . II .

  7. 近年来,学者们开始认识到研究变量间关系时考虑经济中结构变化的重要性。

    Recent literature has stressed the importance of economic structure changes in variable relationships .

  8. 首先对本文的研究变量进行界定,然后提出了本文的研究假设和模型。

    This part defines the research variables and puts forward research hypotheses and model .

  9. 然后结合已有文献,设计出适合我国餐饮消费者的各研究变量的量表。

    Then based on literature analysis , variable scales suited to domestic consumers were designed .

  10. 在研究变量的选择上,本文还存在遗失变量的问题。

    There are also missing variables existed in this problem while choosing the variables in the study .

  11. 文化是一个具有挑战性的研究变量,部分原因是文化有着众多相异的定义和衡量尺度。

    Culture is a challenging research variables , partly because of cultural differences has many definitions and metrics .

  12. 该模型不但可以研究变量间的直接效应,还可以研究间接效应;

    LISREL model can explore not only the direct actions among the variables , but also the indirect actions .

  13. 学历对于除了人际关系以外的各研究变量都有显著的差异,这是值得引起我们注意的一个结果。

    Degree has a significant influence in all the variables except interpersonal , which needs to be paid attention to .

  14. 从上市公司董事会治理结构与财务困境两个方面选择四个研究变量,提出假设。

    This paper select four variables from both governance structure of the board and financial difficulties , and putting forward hypothesis .

  15. 该数据包含的研究变量十分丰富,是当前对贫困地区农户大病风险研究数据库中较新的大规模农户调查数据。

    Abundant researching variables included , the data is the latest one on farm households with major illness in poverty-stricken area .

  16. 而为研究变量和函数提供重要方法和手段的微积分在教学中显得尤为重要。

    And calculus appears to be of particular importance in teaching due to which provides means to study functions and variables .

  17. 家庭方面主要包括的研究变量有:家庭来源、家庭收入、父母受教育水平以及家庭教养方式。

    Family factor includes the study variables : family origin , family income , parental education level and family rearing patterns .

  18. 近年来,印象管理日益受到社会学、心理学等领域的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。

    These years , impression management has increasingly drawn attention to sociology and psychology . It has become an important research variable .

  19. 实证研究变量设置和衡量方面的创新。

    We should not only price the systemic risk . 2 . Innovation about settings and measurement of variable in empirical study .

  20. 并对近期出现的一个概念&气氛强度进行了重新定位,使其可以作为一个独立的研究变量。

    And , another important concept , climate strength , was independently used as a variable , which was different with other researchers .

  21. 在心理学上,这一过程的实施是通过记录一些可观察的行为来完成的,这些行为被假定为是我们所考虑的研究变量的指标。

    This is done in psychology by recording some aspect of observable behavior that is assumed to be indicate of the variable under consideration .

  22. 近年来,印象整饰日益受到心理学、组织科学的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。

    In recent years , impression management has received increasing attention in psychology and organizational science and has become a very important research variable .

  23. 第四章详细介绍了样本的选择,研究变量的计算方法以及本文的具体分析方法。

    The fourth chapter introduces the choice of sample , the calculation method of research variables and the analysis method of this paper in details .

  24. 多元回归是统计理论中研究变量之间关系的一种重要方法,在工程实际和科学研究中有广泛的应用。本文根据统计理论的基本知识对多元回归预测模型进行了系统的研究;

    Multi-element regression is an important method in statistics theory for researching relationship among variables , has extensive application in science research and engineering practices .

  25. 在分析各研究变量内涵和维度划分的基础上,提出了各变量间关系的理论模型。

    According to the analysis the connotation and dimension division of each research variable , we propose the theoretical model of the relationship among each variable .

  26. 本文采用合成数据模型,对样本研究变量进行相关性回归分析,变量通过了水平为0.05的显著性检验,实证结果表明企业选择多元化的经营模式可以增进企业的市场价值。

    The research has used Panel Data Model to analyse the sample , and the results has indicated that diversification can increase the corporate market value .

  27. 同时,还将分析不同消费者背景特征在各研究变量上的差异,为网络零售业者提出了可行的建议。

    At the same time , simultaneously also analyzes the differences in each research variable among different consumer background and puts forward feasible proposal for the retailers .

  28. 现阶段,组织公平、工作倦怠和反生产力工作行为这些研究变量受到研究学者、企业领导者的极大关注。

    At this stage , more and more researchers and managers pay great attention on these variables of organization justice , job burnout and counterproductive work behavior .

  29. 在这篇论文中,我引入了新的研究变量平均每笔交易量和交易笔数,进而研究它们和股票收益率波动率之间的因果关系。

    This paper uses new research varieties-average trade size and number of transactions to study the causal relationship between the return rate and trade size of stock .

  30. 在分析设计企业创新能力影响因素的基础上,选取研究变量、确定评分尺度、设计调查问卷。

    Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the innovation ability , select the study variables , determine the rating scale , and design the questionnaire .