
yán tǎo
  • discuss;deliberate;go deeply into
研讨 [yán tǎo]
  • [go deeply into; deliberate;discuss] 研究和讨论

研讨[yán tǎo]
  1. 陪审团花了5天时间来研讨此案。

    The jury took five days to deliberate on the case .

  2. 对数字卫星接收机的研讨

    Deliberate on Digital Satellite Receiver

  3. 教学形式为讲座和研讨课。

    Teaching is by lectures and seminars .

  4. 里迪克的第一项举措就是成立质量研讨小组。

    Riddick 's first move was to form a quality circle .

  5. 学生要在上每星期的研讨课前备好材料。

    Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar .

  6. 本课程为期两年,授课形式为讲座与研讨。

    This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars

  7. 伯杰,罗森和德尔(2001)研讨了向中小型企业之间的假贷和银行贷款的本地市场份额的关系。

    Berger , rosen , and udell ( 2001 ) studied the relationship between lending to SMEs and banks'share of the local loan market .

  8. 学习高等数学的学生家长和MathCounts的教练们说孩子们经常在线学习研讨。

    Parents of advanced - math students and Math Counts coaches say the children are on the website constantly .

  9. GIS在燃气行业中建设和应用的研讨

    Discussion on the Construction and Application of GIS on Gas Industry

  10. GPS在超高层建筑施工测量中应用研讨

    Discussion about Application of GPS System in Construction Measurement of Skyscraper

  11. SPOT像片外方位元素之间的相关性及克服方法的研讨

    Study of the correlation characteristics of SPOT image exterior elements and overcoming solutions

  12. 为此,对用GPS位移(或速度)资料计算应变(或应变速率)的方法进行了研讨。

    We discuss the method of calculating strain with GPS displacement data .

  13. 基于Internet的公共问题群体研讨决策过程的信息表示研究

    Study on the Information Representation in the Course of Group Argumentation Decision Based on Internet for Public Issues

  14. 常用的几种低热粘结温度柔软型PP短纤维的剖析与研讨

    Analysis of several kinds of soft PP staples with low temperature bonding

  15. 濮临线CE降凝剂的应用与研讨

    Application and Discussion on CE Depressant Used in Pu-Lin Pipeline

  16. 钛基DSA阳极在锌电积上的应用研讨

    Discussion on Application of Titanium Based DSA in Zinc Electrolysis

  17. 本文就卫星通信在ATM和Internet上的应用作了初步探讨,对于卫星通信与ATM综合方面,侧重于技术研讨,对于卫星通信与Internet综合方面,则侧重于具体应用方式。

    The paper briefly discusses the integration of Satellite Communications with ATM and Internet , emphasizing on specific technologies and applications respectively .

  18. 通过采用基于WEB的研讨会议支持系统,明确划分研讨前准备、研讨中组织和研讨后总结各个阶段。

    Through adopting the discussion meeting based on WEB to support the system , summarize each stages after organizing and discussing while preparing , discussing before dividing and discussing clearly .

  19. 如何有效地将Agent联合运用于电子市场交易,已经成为经济学家和计算机学者共同研讨的一个重要方向。

    How availably use Agent technique in the electronics market , have already become an important way that scholar together study and discuss of economist and computer researcher .

  20. 关于PAL电视信号优质化处理的研讨

    Study of High Quality Conversion for PAL Television Signals

  21. 为此,提出了一种称之为CAI的群体研讨中的共识分析和评价技术。

    A technology to analyse and identify consensus in group argumentation , named CAI , is presented by the authors .

  22. ISP烧结块软化点数模建立的研讨铁矿石烧结终点的优化控制

    Mathematically modeling of the softening point in ISP sintering Optimal control of sintering burn through point

  23. 接下来根据项目实施的相关理论,结合项目管理实施的理论与方法,工程项目的特点,对BOT融资模式风险管理理论进行研讨。

    Secondly , according to the theory of project implementation , the BOT financing model was discussed the risk management .

  24. 研讨Maxwell关系

    Study on maxwell relations

  25. 以三峡库区为例研讨了灾害预警GIS信息系统的工作原理及其建立过程和实际应用。

    Taking the Changjiang Gorges reservoir area as example , it enters into the working principle , establishing process and actual application for GIS information system of geological calamity early-warning .

  26. 研讨了具有QoS约束的分布式多播路由问题。描述了一种适应于QoS多播路由的网络模型,提出了一种分布式QoS多播路由协议(DQMRP)。

    This paper discusses the multicast routing problem with multiple QoS constraints , and describes a network model that is suitable to research such routing problem .

  27. 详述了描述空间分辨率的方法,并对影响CT图象空间分辨率的主要因素进行了理论研讨。

    Different approaches to the measurement of the spatial resolution of a CT scanner system are presented in this paper . The factors determining the spatial resolution of CT image are also discussed .

  28. 研讨了添加成核透明剂等对线型低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)结构与性能的影响。

    The influence of nucleating transparent agent on the structure and the properties of LLDPE was researched .

  29. GRP管连续缠绕工艺几个问题的研讨

    The technology for winding continuous GRP pipe

  30. 在较小的研讨教室里,学员可以在Skype上与东海岸的学员或在海外工作的团队伙伴进行交流。

    In smaller seminar rooms , students can Skype their east coast counterparts or team members working overseas .