
  • 网络R&D Director;Director of R&D;Research & Development Director
  1. 玛氏公司旗下业务部门MarsBotanical的研发总监凯瑟琳·奎克·乌里韦(CatherineKwik-Uribe)表示,为了保证CocoVia中黄烷醇的含量,玛氏公司温和加工可可豆,并额外添加通过专利技术萃取的可可黄烷醇。

    To keep the flavanol content high , Mars ' gently ' processes its cocoa ' and adds an extract of cocoa flavanols made with a proprietary process , says Catherine Kwik-Uribe , director of research and development at the Mars Botanical unit .

  2. 索尼电脑娱乐公司高级研发总监理查德o马克斯声称:如果买一台‘梦神’套装,把它联上PS4游戏机,无需设置任何驱动或下载任何东西就能用。

    When you buy a Morpheus kit and connect it to your PS4 , it just works without needing to set up any drivers or download anything , says Richard Marks , senior director of research and development at Sony Computer Entertainment .

  3. 福特汽车的动力总成研发工程总监,丹卡普,不认为阀节流是汽车制造商的未来。

    Dan Kapp , director of powertrain research and advanced engineering at Ford , doesn 't see valve throttling in the automaker 's future .

  4. 除了更加成人化的台词、潮流的包装、更快的剪辑速度以及弹幕等基础互动功能,网络节目和电视节目实际上没有区别,乐正传媒研发与咨询总监彭侃在接受《综艺报》采访时表示。

    Besides more adult-oriented lines and trendy packaging , faster editing pace and basic interactive functions like * danmaku , web shows are actually no different than TV shows , Peng Kan , director of research and consulting department of Legend Media told Media & Entertainment Industry Reporter .

  5. 因此我们询问了权威的营养学家LeslieLangevin什么是人们减肥时最大的问题,Leslie是整体健康营养学的理科硕士,研发工程师和创意总监。

    So we asked certified dietitian Leslie Langevin , MS , RD , CD , of Whole Health Nutrition to share the biggest mistake she sees people making when trying to drop pounds .

  6. 这些职位包括研发经理、财务总监、机械工程师和建筑监理等。

    These positions included job titles like manager of research and development , director of finance , mechanical engineer and construction supervisor .