
yán fā chénɡ běn
  • research and development costs
  1. 王建宙表示,中国移动将与台湾的宏达(HTC)合作开发智能手机,并将承担部分研发成本。

    China Mobile will work with Taiwan 's HTC to develop smartphones and will fund part of the research and development costs , Mr Wang said .

  2. 如何保证研发质量,快速推出研发产品并使研发成本保持有竞争力,持续改善研发管理是解决以上问题的前提。

    How to ensure the quality of the research and development , and the rapid introduction of the research and development of products and research and development costs to remain competitive , continued to improve the R & D management to solve the above problems .

  3. Twitter和其它科技公司一样,将一些软件和其它研发成本进行了货币化。

    Twitter , like other technology companies , capitalizes some of its software and other development costs .

  4. 设计的特点是以高性能ARM处理器应用于流量测量领域,简化了硬件电路的设计,降低了研发成本,提高了计算精度和计算能力。

    The main feature of design is using high-performance ARM processor in flow measurement . It simplifies the hardware circuit design , reduces development cost and improves the computing accuracy .

  5. 介绍UL利用火灾建模预测实验结果,帮助客户减少产品开发中的往复实验,节省研发成本。

    Introduce UL uses Fire modeling predict test performance , and in turn reduce the retest cost .

  6. Jasper方案利用现有的解决方案和芯片,减低了研发成本和技术风险。

    Jasper used the existing solutions and chips , reduced the development costs and technical risk .

  7. 由于SDR主要是对软件组件开发的特点,将极大的降低系统的研发成本和周期。

    The development cost and cycles of communication system will be infinitely reduced due to the SDR software module development characteristics .

  8. 虽然ASIC的设计速度快、性能高,但是其有着不可避免的研发成本高,研发周期长,灵活性差等问题。

    Although ASIC design has the advantages of high-performance and low-area , its shortages of high development cost , long development period and low-flexibility are inevitable .

  9. 复合材料液态模塑成型技术(LCM)是一种近年来出现的先进复合材料低成本制造技术,复合材料构件的数字化和信息化生产,是提高产品质量、降低研发成本的有效途径。

    Liquid composite molding ( LCM ) process is a cost-effective fabrication technique appearing recently . Numeralization and information of composite structures manufacture are effective approach to improve the quality of produce and reduce cost .

  10. 基于模块化汽车产品研发成本分摊机制研究

    Research on Cost-sharing Mechanism Based on Modular Automotive Products R & D

  11. 有几家厂商还通过合作来降低研发成本。

    Several manufacturers are partnering to reduce research cost .

  12. 两企业进行R&D投资,考虑其间的研发成本不对称更贴近于现实。

    Asymmetric R D costs always occur when two firms make R D decisions .

  13. 卫星信道模拟器能模拟接近真实信道环境的电波传输特性,用于设备研制过程中的测试,将会显著降低研发成本。

    Satellite channel simulator can simulate transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave close to real channel environment .

  14. 与常用的光固化成型设备比较,本设备不仅可控性能好,而且研发成本低。

    Compared with the traditional stereolithography equipment , our equipment has better controllability and costs less .

  15. 此外,该部门还计划引导手机厂商研发成本更低、简单易用的智能手机。

    It also plans to ask cell phone producers to develop more low-priced , easy-to-use smart phones .

  16. 两家公司都会从增加全球销量、分散研发成本上受益。

    Both companies could benefit from having a larger global volume of sales over which to spread development costs .

  17. 不过,公司的研发成本飙升,从去年同季度的18亿美元增长到了27亿美元。

    But research-and-development costs have soared , to $ 2.7 billion from $ 1.8 billion from the same quarter a year ago .

  18. 本文对鼠标跌落碰撞过程的数值研究达到了降低研发成本,缩短研发周期的目的。

    In this paper , the study of the mouse drop impact process reaches the purpose of decreasing cost and shorting development cycles .

  19. 定制需求的确会导致研发成本大幅攀升,但在任何一个行业中,客户定制需求都是客观存在的。

    Custom requirements will incur today 's development efforts and expenses , but that is expected for customizations to products from any industry .

  20. 随着构件技术的成熟,实时分布式软件可以使用这种技术来降低研发成本,提高系统研发效率。

    With the development of component technology , real-time distributed software can use the component technology to improve the efficiency of Realtime distributed system .

  21. 新药研发成本成为制约新药开发效率的重要瓶颈,受到政府和制药企业的重视。

    The cost of R & D became an important bottleneck in the pharmaceutical industry and was highly considered by governments and pharmaceutical companies .

  22. 从某种程度上来说,研发成本得到分摊,使得创新主体各自的利润增大,也是一种统筹机制方面的创新。

    To some extent , R & D cost apportion , make innovation main body their profit , is also a kind of balancing mechanism innovation .

  23. 对于金融交易,成本法并非有效,研发成本经常不能真实反映出专利的价值。

    The Cost approach is not really useful for financial transactions , R & D costs do often not really reflect the value of a patent .

  24. 凯文:我同意,不过要记住,我们的投资商可能会将研发成本视为无法立即取得回报的投资。

    Kevin : I agree , but remember , our investors may see R and D costs as money spent without the possibility of an immediate return .

  25. 战略性新兴产业具有基础薄弱、前期研发成本高的特点,需要政府进行政策引导。

    Strategic Emerging Industry is characterized by fragile foundation and early high R & D costs , as a result of which it needs government policy guidance .

  26. 但是这些公司单从低廉的制造费用当中根本不能收回多年沉重的研发成本。

    But these companies cannot recoup their huge r & d spending without charging for a number of years much more than the cost of producing their drugs .

  27. 致力于研究一种更为安全的桥墩防撞系统,既不需要巨大的工程,也降低了研发成本。

    The paper devotes to studying a kind of safer pier anti-collision system which don 't need enormous project and have reduced the cost of researching and developing .

  28. 与传统方法相比,能有效地缩短开发周期,减小研发成本,提高研发水平和质量。

    Compared with the traditional method , modern design method can effectively shorten the development cycle , reduce costs , and improve the level and quality of development .

  29. 虚拟样机技术的运用可以减少了传统设计过程中的重复性工作,能降低研发成本,缩短研发周期,提高产品质量。

    Using virtual prototype technology can reduce the repeated work for traditional design process , reduce development costs , shorten the development cycle and improve the quality of products .

  30. 虚拟样机技术不仅可以降低设计、研发成本,而且能够更好的保证设计及产品质量。

    The virtual prototype technology an not only reduce the design , and the costs of the research but also ensure the design and the quality of the product .