
  • 网络lot size;production lot size;lot sizing
  1. 建立了供应商在订货商已作决策的条件下的最优生产批量模型。

    The vender 's optimal production lot sizes under the purchaser 's economic ordering model are presented .

  2. 本文的研究成果对于企业生产实际中如何合理确定生产批量、生产顺序有一定的指导意义。

    In this paper , the results of research have a certain degree of guidance to determine the production lot sizes and production sequence .

  3. CIMS下MRP-Ⅱ多级生产批量计划问题的研究

    Research for Lot-Sizing Problem of MRP - ⅱ in CIMS

  4. CIMS下的热轧生产批量计划的数学模型及解法

    Mathematical Model and Solution to Lot Plan of Hot Rolling Production under CIMS

  5. 该文对MRPⅡ生产批量计划问题进行了系统总结,划分了其类型,给出了实际生产中几种典型生产批量计划问题的数学模型及其特点。

    This paper summarizes and classifies the lot sizing problem of MRP ⅱ .

  6. 对单级单资源约束的生产批量计划问题采用Lagrangian松驰算法进行求解。

    Capacitated single level lot sizing problem ( CSLLSP ) is solved using Lagrangian relaxation .

  7. 算法中综合考虑了库存状态、生产批量、车间在制、采购在途和物料清单(BOM)等众多信息对生产计划编制的影响。

    The algorithms have considered much information such as storage status , product batch , workshop produce , and BOM .

  8. 通过仿真实验,测试6个问题表明,多级生产批量计划问题的GA算法比循环动态规划启发式算法平均改善5%以上。

    Computational results of 6 tested problems show that the average improvenment percent given by MLLS / GA algorithm is over 5 % as compared to MLLS / Heuristic solutions .

  9. 根据汽车车桥特点及生产批量要求,目前在工程实际中汽车后桥的焊接广泛采用CO2气体保护焊。

    Base on the characteristic and production lot of the rear axle , carbon-dioxide arc welding is widely used in the reality engineering of the rear axle welding at the present time .

  10. 运用最优库存理论,推导出了在不同控制方式下的EOQ模型,以确定最优生产批量和最优再造批量。

    Some EOQ models are derived which determine the optimal production and reproduction lot sizes for different sort of policies .

  11. 设备配备相应的模具能休整各种规格的U形钢支架,同时也可作为生产批量不大的拱形支架的成形设备。

    This machine is equipped with appropriate molds to break all kinds of U-shaped steel support , and it can be used as the forming equipment of a small batch production of arch support .

  12. 传统经济生产批量(EPL)模型没有考虑制造系统的产量柔性,机器的生产率和单位生产成本都被假定为不变的。

    The classical economic production lot size ( EPL ) models do not take volume flexibility of manufacturing system into account .

  13. 采用MRPⅡ/JIT混用思想,对生产批量的优化方法、主生产计划编排原则、关键资源计划协调方法、安全提前期的计算等进行了分析研究。

    Analysis and study are made on batch optimizing production , main production planning lay-out , important resource planning coordination method and calculation of safety in-advance period with mixed use of MRPII / JIT .

  14. 讨论了SCM背景下的生产批量与数量折扣定价联合决策问题的数据挖掘模型及其基于混合遗传算法的实现思想,并介绍了一个利用此模型而设计的SCM数据挖掘系统。

    A Data Mining Model of the integrated problem about batch-production and the fixing of discount and price implemented by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm under the SCM background was discussed . Then a Data Mining system of SCM utilizing this model was introduced .

  15. 针对微型钻头生产批量大、被测尺寸小、测量精度高的特点,研究出一套激光自动测量系统。该系统包括激光测量、CPU数据处理、PLC控制3大部分。

    Considering the peculiarities of microdrills , such as large batch production , small dimensions and high accuracy , this article deals with the development of an automatic laser measurement system , which consists of the laser measurement , CPU for data processing and PLC-based control unit .

  16. 由于MRP只能提供生产批量计划问题的可行解,因此寻找高质量解(具有最小成本的补充数量)的问题随之而来。

    Since MRP can only provides feasible solutions to the multilevel lot-sizing ( MLLS ) problem , the problem of finding a high quality solution , i.e. a sequence of replenishment quantities having the lowest possible cost , comes .

  17. 生产批量计划问题是MRPⅡ(制造资源计划)的一个关键问题,它研究一定计划期内,如何将产品的生产批量和时间在加工项目集上进行分配,并满足一定的性能指标集。

    Lot sizing problem , which addresses how to distribute the part batches and time periods over some producing items during the determining time horizon , and subject to some performance index sets , plays a key role in implementing MRP ⅱ( Manufacturing Resource Planning ) .

  18. 基于遗传算法的约束生产批量计划

    The Research on GA Approach to Capacitated Lot Sizing Planning Problem

  19. 制造/再制造混合系统的最优生产批量模型

    Models for Optimal Production Lot-Sizing in Hybrid Manufacturing / Remanufacturing System

  20. 生产批量小,成本高,效益差的企业

    " Enterprises with low output , high costs and poor returns "

  21. 模糊需求的易变质性产品生产批量问题研究

    Production lot sizing problem for deteriorating item with fuzzy demand

  22. 基于产量柔性的经济生产批量模型研究

    A study on the economic production lot size model under volume flexibility

  23. 产量柔性下的最优生产批量和原材料订购决策模型

    Optimal Batch Size and Raw Material Ordering Policy Model Under Volume Flexibility

  24. 考虑运输成本的单级多资源约束生产批量问题研究

    Research on incorporating transportation costs into the single level capacitated lot-sizing problem

  25. 制造系统中能力约束下的生产批量计划优化方法

    Optimal method of capacitated lot sizing planning in manufacturing systems

  26. 单一品种项目的生产批量问题的动态规划算法

    Dynamic Programming Algorithm of the SULS PROJECT Project Database

  27. 车间生产批量优化调度研究

    Optimization of Job-shop Scheduling Problem in the Batch Process

  28. 订购批量或生产批量问题。

    - - - - about order , batch and production batch problems .

  29. 对中厚板生产批量精确控制的探讨

    Exploration on Accurate Batch Control for Medium-heavy Plate Production

  30. 冷轧机组生产批量计划的模型和算法研究

    Lot Sizing Planning Model and Algorithm of CDCM