
shēng chǎn yòng shuǐ
  • production water supply
生产用水[shēng chǎn yòng shuǐ]
  1. PLC在生产用水循环控制中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Cycle Control Process Water

  2. 浆料中主要微生物种类与生产用水、原料种类及pH值等有关。

    The predominated microorganisms which arise in the stock are dependent on water , materials and pH value .

  3. 现实潜力为112819.66万m3,占可实现潜力的56.23%,其中生活用水、生产用水和生态用水各占0.69%,16.61%和82.70%。

    Actual potential is ( 11.281 966 ×) 10 ~ 8 m ~ 3 , accounting for 56.23 % of the feasible potential , in which the use of living water , production water and ecological water account for 0.69 % , 16.61 % and 82.70 % .

  4. 印花生产用水中钙离子浓度不应该超过300ppm,否则色浆就会形成大量局部凝胶块,从而影响色浆透网性和花纹轮廓清晰度。

    The concentration of calcium ion should not surpass 300ppm ; otherwise a large quantity of partial gel will be formed in the printing paste , thus affecting permeability of the printing paste and sharp definition of the textile .

  5. 无菌医疗器械生产用水制备及监管实例

    Examples of Preparation and Supervision of Sterile Medical Instrument Used Water

  6. 优化系统运行方式降低氧化铝生产用水

    System operation mode optimization and water consumption reduction in alumina industry

  7. 利用固定剂去除造纸生产用水中的有害物

    Removing Detrimental Substances from Process Water by Using Fixing Agents

  8. 沈阳化工厂生产用水合理化分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of rationalization for the process water in Shenyang Chemical Plant

  9. 结果制革厂的生产用水在用于生产之前已受到致突变性污染。

    Results The productive water of the tannery existed pollution of mutagenicity before production .

  10. 受污染河水供生产用水的处理方法

    The Treatment of Contaminated Supply Water for Production

  11. 可满足印染生产用水的水质要求。

    It can meet the requirment of water quality in dyeing and printing production .

  12. 蓬莱市2008年食品生产用水卫生状况调查

    Survey of hygienic condition of water for food making in Penglai City in 2008

  13. 贵州粮食安全及粮食生产用水现状研究

    Research on the Actuality of Grain Security and Water Utilization in Grain Production of Guizhou Province

  14. 工业生产用水定额制定方法&啤酒生产用水定额制定研究

    Determination of industrial water consumption quota & a research on beer production water consumption quota formulation

  15. 纸浆中金属离子主要来源于原料、处理设备、生产用水和所添加的化学药品。

    The metal ions in pulp result from material , equipment , water and additional chemical agents .

  16. 促进水资源利用,解决了农民生活生产用水;

    Solved the problem of domestic and production water consumption of farmers by promoting utilization of water resources ;

  17. 受灾地方的生活生产用水极度短缺,行业用水矛盾十分突出。

    Drought stricken area have extremely shortage in domestic and industrial water supply , and profession water conflict is seriously .

  18. 二是首先满足城镇居民生活用水和工业生产用水,其次是灌溉用水,最后为流域生态用水。

    The other is ensuring the water for living and industry , next for irrigation , the end for environment .

  19. 中线和西线调水的基本方案。通过三条调水线路与长江、黄河、淮河和海河四大江河的联系,为华北地区供应农业、工业生产用水及生活用水。东线工程的供水范围是黄淮海平原东部地区。

    The project will have three water diversion routes , namely the eastern route , middle route and western route .

  20. 啤酒厂循环冷却水占啤酒工业生产用水的比例很大。

    The beer factory recirculating cooling water to have the comparison that the beer industry production uses the water very big .

  21. 河北冀南磷化工业公司磷铵车间为实现废水零排放,在对生产用水、排放废水进行水平衡计算的基础上,得知磷铵混合冷凝器的冷却水量占排放废水的63%。

    By equilibrium calculation , the cooling water for AP mixed condenser made up 63 % of the total water discharge .

  22. 计算结果表明,产业和行业生产用水的调整可以减少废水排放量和实现经济增长。

    The results showed that suitable adjustment of sector and trade structures could reduce discharge of wastewater and promoted economic growth .

  23. 对福建南纸通过净化、冷却等措施,循环使用生产用水以降低水耗的实践经验进行了总结。

    The paper described the experience of reducing water consumption by filtrating and cooling process in an integrated paper mill in Nanping .

  24. 强振反冲式生物滤池的应用效果及对高炉生产用水影响的研究

    Application of vibrating / reverse-scouring / biodegrading filter tank and its effect on the quality of water used in blast furnace plant

  25. 现在不管是没在生活用水还是在生产用水方面,太阳能热水系统的应用已经越来越多。

    Now whether or not the water of life in the production of water , solar hot water system has been increasing .

  26. 生产用水由净化水生产装置(参见附件D中的示意图)生产。

    Water for use in production is generated from a Purified Water Production Plant ( see Attachment D for schematic drawing ) .

  27. 目的研究电镀厂的生产用水、未处理的生产废水以及已处理水对蚕豆胚根根尖的细胞遗传学毒性效应。

    Objective The cytogenetic toxic effects of waste water fr om plating plant on the cell of vicia faba root tip were studied .

  28. 地下水源地是城市生活、工农业和生产用水的重要供水水源。

    Groundwater source area is an important choice of water supply to urban living , industry , agriculture and the production of water demand .

  29. 同时一些沿海印染、化工等企业将海水直接用作工业生产用水,导致大量含盐偶氮染料废水的产生。

    Meanwhile , more and more textile and chemical industries use seawater for producing process , a large amount of salty wastewater is discharged .

  30. 哈尔滨发电有限责任公司目前生产用水水费支出在经营性成本中的比例逐年上升,准备利用城市污水作为电厂的补充用水。

    The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation .