
  1. 在混响室内测试了轿车轮胎的噪声声级。

    The noise level of passenger car tire was measured in a reverberation laboratory .

  2. 口腔科设备噪声声级的测量与分析

    Measurement of Noise Level of Dental Advices

  3. 研究了影响三通道喷嘴噪声声级的相关因素。

    Some factors that affect the sound level of the noise emitted from a three-channels nozzle were investigated .

  4. 在舒适性空调中,涉及到热舒适标准与卫生要求的室内设计计算参数有六项:风速、空气相对湿度、温度、新风量、噪声声级、含尘量。

    There are six parameters of the indoor design calculation for comfort air conditioning . They are air velocity , relative humidity , air temperature , outdoor air requirement , noise sound level and dust concentration in air , which deal with thermal comfort standard and health criteria .

  5. 城市功能区夜间噪声等效声级(Ln)预测模型的建立

    Establishment of Prediction Model for Noise Ln at Night in Urban Functional Area

  6. 根据离开轨道中心15m处高速铁路的噪声暴露声级,通过引入地面衰减、屏障衰减和房屋建筑及树木的附加衰减参数,建立噪声理论分析模型。

    In light of sound exposure level for high-speed railway at 15 m from track center , a theoretical model for noise analysis is established by introducing ground attenuation , shielding attenuation and excess attenuation from buildings and trees .

  7. 水筒中涂层模型降低噪声总声级的研究

    The study of noise reduction by coating in a water tunnel

  8. 2001年度国控城市区域环境噪声等效声级比较

    Comparison of Equivalent Regional Environmental Noise Level in State-Controlled Cities in 2001

  9. 环境噪声等效声级的袖珍计算器程序

    Pocket Calculator Program of Equivalent Sound Level of Ambient Noise

  10. 铁路列车流噪声A声级与等效声级预报

    The noise level of railway trains and the prediction of its equivalent A-weighted level

  11. 航空发动机环形燃烧室噪声总声级多元回归模型研究

    Multivariate Regression Modeling Study of the Total Sound Level of the Annular Combustor Noise of An Aircraft Engine

  12. 给出了坡道路面交通噪声等效声级及其在车流量较少条件下的预测方法,并与实测值作了比较。

    The authors propose the method for predicting Leq of traffic noise on the sipping road surface in practice .

  13. 本文在对驾驶室内声场特性进行分析的基础上,提出了驾驶室壁面进行吸声降噪处理后,耳旁噪声A声级降噪量的理论计算方法。

    This article is on the basis of the analysis to the cab sound field characteristic , proposes the theoretical calculation method of the ear-noise a acoustic level noise reduction amount after the cab wall surface carrying on sound absorption reduction processing .

  14. 而噪声则通过声级计由RS-232传入计算机。

    In the other hand , noise information tested with sound level meter is passed through interface RS-232 to computers .

  15. 带有气动装置的机器正常工作时,气动阀产生的间歇性排气噪声的A声级高达110dB。

    When the machine with the pneumatic assembly runs normally , the pneumatic-Valves create the intermittence exhaust noise with A-sound-level of 110dB ( A ) .

  16. 并运用该模型预测道路交通噪声的等效声级,把预测因子作为样本输入到网络模型,噪声等效声级作为样本输出。

    Then use this model to predict equivalent continual sound level of road traffic noise , The fluence factors as the traffic flowing and the equivalent acoustic levels were output .

  17. 榆林市噪声监测昼夜等效声级聚类分析

    The clustering analysis of LDN in noise monitoring in Yulin City

  18. 根据夜间噪声的变化规律和等效声级的计算特点,对建立城市功能区夜间噪声等效声级的预测模型进行了初步探讨。

    Based on noise level changing regulation and characteristics , to establish a prediction model for noise Ln at night in urban functional area has been approached preliminarily .

  19. 研究表明,混响室内的噪声测试可以辨别不同轮胎的噪声声级;

    The results showed that the noise level of different tires could be evaluated through the noise measurement in the reverberation laboratory ;

  20. 最后以噪声分析处理结果(如噪声频谱、声级强度等)为依据来判断机组的运行情况,以达到检测机组运行状况的目的。

    After the jobs above were finished , the results such as noise spectrum , sound level intensity can be a foundation to monitor the situation in which the turbine is .

  21. 结果主要阐明:(1)钻井噪声与振动的污染特征,定量描述了污染源距离与钻井噪声或振动等效声级之间的关系;

    The relationship of distance with drilling noise and vibration intensity was analyzed .

  22. 传统的噪声控制主要是从减低人耳听力损伤方面考虑来进行噪声控制的&降低噪声声级。

    Traditional noise control mainly focus on reducing the damage to human ear by decrease noise .

  23. 矿山环境影响噪声评价中矿山机械声源强度可按经验公式或用类比法确定,交通噪声声级的确定与之相似。

    Intensity of noise sourced from mine machinery can be determined by empirical formula or analogue in the evaluation of noise impact on the mine environment .

  24. 近几年来,泉州中心市区为控制环境噪声做了大量的工作,取得了较为明显的效果,但城市道路交通噪声平均等效声级仍然超过国家限制标准值。

    In recent years , a mass of work was done in order to control the environmental noise in the central zone of Quanzhou city , which brings obvious and effective results .