
  • 网络noise temperature;LNA
  1. 可快速、准确地测定混频器的变频效率η和等效噪声温度Tm;

    The Mixer Efficiency , and the Equivalent Noise Temperature Tm can be tested quickly and precisely in this way .

  2. 本文讨论了混频二极管在直流偏置和交流信号激励时的噪声温度比,提出了以有效噪声温度比(tD)(eff)来表征二极管在交流激励下的噪声性能。

    This paper discusses the noise temperature ratio of a mixer diode operated at DC bias and AC signal .

  3. 流动VLBI天线系统噪声温度及天线效率测量

    The Measurement of the Antenna System Noise-Temperature and Antenna Efficiency for DCW-01 Mobile VLBI

  4. 在流动VLBI的观测试验中,天线系统噪声温度和天线效率是观测前系统调试和检测的两项重要内容。

    Antenna system noise temperature and antenna efficiency are the most important items in the system debugging and checking before the VLBI observation .

  5. 其室温下的噪声温度约55°K,带宽约300MHz,单级增益为13dB。

    The noise temperature at the frequency of 1.43 GHz is about 55K at room temperature . The gain is 13 dB with a bandwidth of about 300 MHz .

  6. 增益约30dB。设计了一个噪声温度自动测试系统。

    The gain is about 30 dB . An automatic measuring instrument for noise temperature was designed .

  7. 一种直接提取噪声温度参数的方法

    A Direct Extraction Method for the Parameters of Temperature Noise Model

  8. 毫米波肖特基势垒混频二极管本征噪声温度测试评价

    Measurement and review of intrinsic noise millimeter Schottky mixer diode

  9. 反射面天线欧姆损耗噪声温度的计算

    Calculation of Noise Temperature Due to Reflector Antenna Ohmic Loss

  10. 日凌时天线噪声温度分析

    The Analysis of Antenna Noise Temperature During Solar Radiating Disturbance

  11. 噪声温度对卫星电视接收系统接收能力的影响

    Influence of Noise Temperature on Satellite Television Receiving System

  12. 天线增益噪声温度比

    Ratio of gain to noise temperature of an antenna

  13. 测量毫米波段混频器的变频损耗和噪声温度的一个实例

    An Example for Measuring the Conversion Loss and Noise Temperature of Mixers in Millimeter Wave Band

  14. 本文对一些毫米波肖特基势混频二极管本征噪声温度进行了测试和分析。

    The diode intrinsic noise temperature of some milimeter Schottky mixer diode was measured and reviewed .

  15. 理想的噪声温度即是接收机的温度。

    The noise temperature is in the most favourable case given by the temperature of the receiver .

  16. 干扰信号对参放输入噪声温度的影响

    Parametric Amplifier Input Noise Temperature Degradation Caused by an Interfering Signal in or near the Paramp Passband

  17. CINRAD/SA雷达系统噪声温度异常偏高的分析处理

    Analysis and processing of abnormality of nosie temperature on the high side for CINRAD / SA radar system

  18. 最后给出了八毫米波段半衡混频器的变频损耗和噪声温度的测量结果。

    Finally , the measurement results of the conversion loss and noise temperature of a balanced mixer in 8 mm waveband are also presented .

  19. 等效噪声温度高达数十万度的A/D模块,引起了数字接收机性能的深刻变化。

    The performance of a digital receiver will be changed significantly when the equivalent noise temperature of the A / D module rises to hundred thousands degrees .

  20. 本文介绍了微波辐射计接收机逆向辐射噪声温度的计算方法,同时也给出了降低这种逆向辐射噪声温度的两种方法。

    This paper presents a way of inverse-direction radiating noise temperature calculation in microwave radiometer receiver . And two methods are given to reduce the radiating noise .

  21. 例如深空通信和军事通信中,即使采用最大口径天线和最低噪声温度接收机也可能难以实现信号的有效接收。

    It is possible to be in despair even if using maximum antenna apertures and lower receiver noise temperatures such as in Deep Space Network and military communication .

  22. 微波辐射计是一种接收目标物辐射能量的设备,它可按背景噪声温度分类并加以比较,从而识别目标。

    Microwave radiometer is a device which can receive radiant energy from objects . And this device can distinguish objects through the different temperatures that radiate from them .

  23. 本实用新型具有重量轻、介质增益损失小,介质热噪声温度低、输入电压驻波比小等特点。

    The utility model has the characteristics of light weight , small dielectric gain loss , low dielectric thermal noise temperature , small input voltage standing wave ratio , etc.

  24. 本文卫星通信信道的电波传播特性,重点分析了降雨对减弱信号效率,增加接收系统噪声温度的影响。

    This thesis analyzed the characteristics of the radio propagation of satellite communication channel , especially the influence of rainfall for weakening signal efficiency and noise temperature of receiving system .

  25. 混频器的变频损耗和噪声温度的测量可以用改变中频部分的噪声温度使接收机的系统噪声温度变化来加以确定。

    The conversion loss and noise tempe - rature of mixers is determined by changing the IF noise temperature so as to change the noise temperature of the receiver system .

  26. 在提出日凌干扰处理新模型的基础上,根据太阳视面与天线主瓣半功率点截面的相对运动关系,系统阐述了日凌时天线噪声温度的分析方法。

    A new model of dealing with solar radiating disturbance is put forward and a systematic explanation to the antenna noise temperature analysis in case of solar radiating disturbance is made .

  27. 本文分析了遥感微波辐射计的逆向辐射噪声温度和口面定标源的亮度温度,建立了口面定标源的亮度温度模型。

    The inverse radiation noise of a microwave radiometer for remote sensing is analysed in this paper . A model is used to determine the bright temperature of an aperture-calibration source .

  28. 采用等效馈源及凿孔表面的反射与传输系数导出了部分为凿孔表面的反射器天线等效反射系数及天线噪声温度的计算公式。

    The calculation formula of the equivalent reflection coefficient and noise temperature of reflector antenna with the partially perforated surface are derived by the reflection and transmission coefficients and the equivalent feed .

  29. 从超宽带雷达天线、UHF/VHF波段接收机噪声温度以及最小可检测的信噪比三个方面研究了超宽带合成孔径雷达方程。

    Three subjects-UWB radar antenna , UHF / VHF band receiver noise temperature , and the target detection from background , which are main factors in UWB SAR range equation , are studied .

  30. 用噪声温度的概念给出了卫星导航接收机射频前端的噪声,分析A/D转换器和码环不同步带来的噪声。

    This paper gives the noise in RF front end of a satellite navigation receiver employing concept of noise-temperature and analyses the noise resulting from A / D converter and unsynchronization of PN code .