
  • 网络Noise Control Engineering
  1. 空压站噪声控制工程的应用

    The application of noise control engineering of air-compressor station

  2. 国际噪声控制工程协会

    International Institute for Noise Control Engineering

  3. 在振动和噪声控制工程中,人们广泛使用各种粘弹性阻尼材料,并将它们粘贴在结构上减少结构振动和噪声。

    Structures with viscoelastic coatings are widely used to control noise and vibration .

  4. 植物纤维喷覆在噪声控制工程中的应用

    Application of Plant Fiber Spray Technique in Noise Control

  5. 封闭空间噪声控制工程声学计算

    Noise Control Calculate in Enclosed Space

  6. 例举了有源振动控制在机械、建筑、噪声控制工程中的若干应用;

    Some examples of application of AVC to machinery , architectural structure and noise control engineering are also given .

  7. 针对吸声隔热植物纤维喷覆系列产品在噪声控制工程中的应用前景进行探讨。

    The prospect of engineering application of the systematic products using plant fiber spray technique for sound-absorption and heat-isolation is discussed .

  8. 指出了在噪声控制工程现场调查研究中所发现的一些设计缺陷,分析了问题的根本原因和由此产生的不良后果。

    This paper indicated a few design defects noticed in on the spot investigation for noise control engineering , analyzed root cause of the problem and its bed consequence .

  9. 针对柴油机排气的特点,结合有源噪声控制工程应用,提出了两种次级声源的设计方案,经过分析计算,给出了实验用次级声源。

    According to the characteristics of Diesel ′ s exhaust , two design schemes of secondary noise source are presented in combination with the engineering use of active noise control . Each one is discussed in detail , then design suitable to experiment is given .

  10. 高速公路噪声控制系统工程初探

    The Elementary Research in Control System Project of Highway Traffic Noise

  11. 噪声污染控制工程课程体系建设初探

    Construction of " Noise Control Engineering " Course System

  12. 将有源噪声控制技术工程化是人们现今面临的主要难题。

    However , it is the main difficulty how to make the technique of active noise control applying in the engineering successfully because of its complicated system .

  13. 添加采集通道,应用文中提出的基于盲分离原理的简约HJ神经网络(RHJNN),可有效地去除混杂在过程信号中噪声,是控制工程中一种新型的去噪手段。

    With a sampling channel added , the noise mixed in process signals can be reduced by using the reduced HJ neural network ( RHJNN ) which is proposed in this paper based on signal blind separation .

  14. 噪声污染控制的工程设计应从“声源”、“传递”、“接收”三个方面着手。

    The project design of noise pollution control should be started with three respects of noise source , noise transmission and reception .

  15. 有源消声头盔包括模拟和数字式两种,它是有源噪声控制技术在工程上应用比较成功的一个范例。

    Active noise control helmets are included analog and digital , which is a more successful example on the active noise control technology applications in engineering .

  16. 国内外研究资料表明,航空、汽车及建筑等行业领域中的噪声控制研究和工程应用已取得了显著成效。

    It is shown from research data that noise control methods and engineering techniques have been used successfully in the aerospace , automotive , architecture and so on .

  17. 在介绍结构与声场耦合模态分析方法理论的基础上,讨论了该方法在车内结构噪声控制中的工程实现。

    On the basis of the theory on acoustic-structural coupled modal analysis , emphases are put on discussion of realization of acoustic-structural coupled modal analysis method in vehicle interior noise control .

  18. 从能量的观点研究柔性耦合隔振系统的动态特性是振动噪声控制领域具有实际工程意义的研究方向,是振动工程界当前的热点研究问题。

    It is a valuable research issue to investigate the dynamic characteristics of flexible coupled isolation system from the viewpoint of power .

  19. 上述各方面作为齿轮传动噪声控制这一系统工程的各个环节,都在齿轮传动噪声控制中起到关键的作用。

    These will play key role in controlling gear transmission noise as chains for the systematic engineering of control for gear_transmission noise .

  20. 采用压电传感器和致动器实现结构振动主动控制和噪声的有源控制是目前振动和噪声控制工程研究中的一个新领域。

    Now , the applications of these devices to active vibration and noise Controls have become a new research field in vibration and noise control engineering .

  21. 工程机械驾驶室噪声对驾驶室员的身心健康及工作效率有很大影响,驾驶室噪声控制成为工程机械噪声控制领域的一个重要方面。

    Engineering machinery cab noise has a great influence on the physical and mental health of the operators , and also reduces work efficiency . So the cab noise control becomes an important aspect of engineering machinery noise control domains .