
  • 网络industrial interference
  1. GD地区由于开发程度较高,工区东部工业干扰源密布,对地震资料采集影响较大。

    Owing to higher development degree , man made intense interference sources are densely covered in the east of GD area , deteriorating quality of the acquired seismic data greatly .

  2. 为此,提出采用正弦函数来模拟50Hz工业干扰,并采用减法运算从数据中减去它,达到消除50Hz工业干扰又使有效波损失减小到最小的目的。

    This paper proposed to simulate the 50 Hz power interference with sine function and subtract it from the original records .

  3. 为了使去噪处理仅在有限频带上进行,采用小波包变换分解来得到50Hz工业干扰所在频带;

    To ensure the noise elimination is performed on limited frequency band , we used wavelet packet transform to isolate the frequency band of 50 Hz power interference .

  4. 为使在有限频带内模拟50Hz工业干扰实现方便,采用了卷积型小波包变换来得到含有50Hz工业干扰且其小波系数保持了与原始记录相同的样点数。

    To facilitate the implement of the algorithm , convolution - type wavelet packet transform was adopted and the number of wavelet coefficients was set to same as the samples of the record .

  5. 陷波技术是用于消除50Hz工业干扰的一种有效工具,由于其采用频率切除技术,故在消除50Hz工业干扰的同时,使50Hz及其附近的有效信号受到损失,给后续处理带来不利影响。

    Trapping technique is a useful tool to eliminate 50 Hz power interference . Though trapping can eliminate the power interference of 50 Hz , it is harmful for signals around 50 Hz because frequency muting is used in trapping which is unfavorable for subsequent processing steps .

  6. 通过荧光光纤传感系统的余辉曲线获得被测物体表面温度的信息,并利用多种数据处理方法消除工业干扰和测量误差,确保系统的测量精度。并且利用过采样方法提高了A/D变换器的分辨率。

    Fluorescence matter sensor the object surface temperature and get the fluorescence curve , and process the curve data by some mathematics method to reduce industry disturb and measurement error .

  7. 通过对FSK信号进行时域和频域分析,利用滤波消除工业现场干扰的方法,研制了基于单片机的低成本FSK信号检测系统,并给出了部分实验结果。

    It was analysed the FSK signal in frequency spectrum and time field respectively , using the method that eliminated the disturbance in industrial spots based on filtering . It was developed an information testing system based on SCM , and some of experimental results were given out .

  8. GB/T3907-1983工业无线电干扰基本测量方法

    General methods of measurement for industrial radio interference

  9. 压制地震资料中工业电干扰的余弦逼近法的改进及应用

    The improvement of cosine approch method and its application to remove industrial noise in seismic data

  10. 抗工业电干扰及其它天电干扰能力强等。

    It has high resistance to the interference of industrial electricity and the interference of other atmospherics .

  11. 三维中值滤波对压制或消除实测数据中随机干扰、强电或工业电磁干扰以及近地表电性体不均匀畸变影响有很好的作用,具有较高的实用价值。

    Case studies showed that 3-D phase weight correction is superior in reducing or even eliminating random interferences , strong electric or industrial electromagnetic interferences , and shallow inhomogeneous bodies .

  12. 本文讨论了工业现场强干扰及几十千伏高压跳火环境下nA级彩管漏电流测量机理及测量仪的设计与实现。

    This article presented the mechanism , design and realization of a nA level CRT leakage current tester , which works in an environment of strong industry noise and extrahigh tension flash-over .

  13. 介绍了工业现场的干扰与抑制干扰原则以及抗干扰设计在实际工程设计中的重要地位,重点阐述了PLC控制系统的硬件与软件抗干扰方法。

    This paper introduces the interference of industrial field , the principles of anti-interference and the important position of anti-interference design in the practical construction design , and expounds the anti-interference methods with the hardware and software of PLC control system .

  14. 为了压制工业电源的干扰(如50Hz干扰),经常要在输入电路中采用陷波电路。

    To suppress the 50 Hz interference , a notch filter is needed in pre-stage circuit .

  15. 工业变频器电磁干扰现象分析及其抑制

    Analysis and suppression on electromagnetic interference of industrial frequency converters

  16. 本文分析了电子衡器的工业环境中干扰源及耦合途径。

    The article analyses the interference sources and coupling channels from industry environment of electronic scale .

  17. 烧结余热回收过程是一种复杂工业过程,干扰因素多且具有强非线性和较大的惯性。

    Sintering waste heat recovery process is a very complicated industrial process , which can be interfered by many factors .

  18. 是一家专业从事工业现场信号干扰、转换等产品的研发、生产、销售的高科技企业。

    LTD is a high-tech enterprise which engages in developing , producting and saling of singal meaconing and transformation on the spot .

  19. 除此之外,还有典型工业环境的干扰源以及在自动化解决方案中决定覆盖范围和数据速率的现实难题。

    Add to this the interference sources of the typical industrial environment and the result is a real problem in determining coverage and data rate for automation solutions .

  20. 实践证明交流地电阻率方法,不仅能够提高观测精度,而且大大地克服了工业游散电流干扰,提高了监测效果。

    The practice has proved that the alternative resistivity method not only increases the observing accuracy , but also overcomes the industrial current interference , and improves the observed effects .

  21. 光电式传感器被广泛应用于非接触检测领域,但光电式传感器在工作过程中容易受到外界自然光线和工业强光的干扰,从而降低其工作可靠性。

    Photoelectric sensors are widely used in the non-contact detecting fields , but they are susceptible to the interferences of outside natural light and the industry highlight so that the measuring reliability is reduced .

  22. 本文详细介绍了在工业现场强电磁干扰的环境中,基于WINDOWSTM98操作系统的工控机与MCS-51单片机间串行口传输大批量数据的编程技术。

    In this paper , programming techniques are introduced in details , which are for transfer of large quantity of data via serial port between MCS-51 and industrial controlling computer based on WINDOWS TM 98 system in the industrial field with strong electromag - netic interference .

  23. 本文叙述了铁路车辆轮辋检测成像系统的组成,着重介绍了IPC的实际应用和工业环境下抗干扰的措施。

    The compose and specific features of wheel rim ultrasonic detecting imaging system for rail vehicles controlled by IPC are described . And the anti - interference control measurements under the industrial application environment are given in this paper .

  24. 工业控制系统的干扰来源及抑制措施

    Interference Sources of Industrial Control System and Suppression Measures

  25. 工业现场的严重干扰,会通过工业控制机电源对工控系统造成严重危害。

    Serious disturbances on the worksite should jeopardize the industrial control computer through power supply .

  26. 智能化工业仪表的抗干扰和人机界面的完善方法

    A method to improve the anti interference performance and perfect the MMI of the intelligent industrial instruments

  27. 采用了防脉冲干扰平均值算法编写二次数字滤波函数,有效去除了工业现场的低频干扰信号。

    Using pulse - interfered free algorithm to design twice digital filtering function , eliminated the low frequent interfering signal in the field .

  28. 由于工业现场存在大量干扰,尤其是电磁搅拌转置的使用,使得干扰比有用信号强很多。

    Because there are so many interferences in the industry , especially the electromagnetic stirring make the noise is more greater than the useful signal .

  29. 分析了监测系统在工业环境中的干扰源和耦合通道,采取了抑制干扰的若干措施。

    The interference sources and their coupling channel of the monitoring system have been analyzed and several measures have been taken to restrain interference in industrial environment .

  30. 阐述了工业现场环境中干扰的特点,并详细介绍了工控软件抗干扰设计方法

    The characteristic of interference in industrial environment has been introduced in this paper The anti-interference design method of industrial control software has also been discussed in detail