
ɡōnɡ chénɡ shè jì rén yuán
  • Engineering Designer;project planner
  1. SBT系列导轨绘图桌设计先进,制造精良,精度高、质量好,是工程设计人员的理想绘图机械。

    SBT series slide way draught machine design is advanced , fabrication is excellent , accuracy is high , mass is easy to be ideal plotting of project planner machinery .

  2. 地板采暖管是一种埋入地下、应用领域较为特殊的管材,作者比较了不同管材有其不同的性能,阐明如何选用采暖管材料,是工程设计人员必须注意的问题。

    Floor heating tube is a pipe with special application domain . The author compares different property of different pipe , states that it is important to select heating tube material for project planner .

  3. 使用VISUALSTUDIO集成开发环境编写地源热泵抽灌井计算机辅助设计软件,方便工程设计人员使用。

    Using Visual Studio integrated development environment to compile the ground source heat pump computer-aided design software for engineering designers .

  4. 基于SPA的工程设计人员绩效评估研究

    The Study of Project Designers ' Performance Evaluation Based on SPA

  5. 采用VBA技术可方便地实现AutoCAD2000和Excel之间的表格双向互换,方便工程设计人员。

    It is convenient for engineering designers to interconvert the tables of AutoCAD and Excel with the tool of VBA technique .

  6. 在AutoCAD平台下开发出的软件界面符合工程设计人员的实际操作习惯,体现了以人为本的程序编制思想。

    The soft interface based on AutoCAD platform is in accord with the design habit of technicians and embodies the programming ideal of orient to men .

  7. CFD设计方法和本文得到的厂房自然通风规律,可以帮助工程设计人员在设计时少走弯路,提高设计效率和水平。

    CFD design method and natural ventilation rule for the pot room described in the paper will help designer upgrade the efficiency and level of design .

  8. 该方法可以根据输入的计算条件在Excel中实现配筋参数选择和配筋计算自动化,并在AutoCAD自动生成图形,准确性高,易适应规范的变化,易为广大工程设计人员所把握。

    With this method , the selection of reinforcement parameters and the automation of reinforcement calculation can be realized in Excel and the diagram can be producted in AutoCAD automatically and accurately .

  9. 随着CAD/CAM/CAE技术的日益普及和应用,有限元分析等现代结构分析方法已为工程设计人员广为认识和采用,并取得了显著的技术经济效益。

    With the popularization and application of CAD / CAM / CAE , the technology of Finite Element Analysis has been widely studied and applied by project designers , now has gained good economical benefits .

  10. 本文在得出的25项胜任特征因素基础上,运用SPSS软件对调查问卷进行统计分析,构建出包含七个维度的中国建筑工程设计人员的胜任特征模型。

    Finally we discover 25 competence model factors . Then we collect the questionnaire and use SPSS soft to analyze the gathering data , eventually the paper build architecture design engineer competence model .

  11. 相对于传统设计分析手段,CAE技术具有极大的优势,为广大工程设计人员提供了一个很好的计算设计分析平台,完成产品的设计仿真工作。

    Relative to traditional design analysis means , CAE technology has many advantages . It offers a very good platform of analysis and calculation for engineer to finish the work of design and simulation .

  12. 文章针对三个不同的抗弯钢框架,采用Pushover分析方法,得出了多层抗弯钢框架的结构影响系数,可供工程设计人员参考。

    In this paper , three examples are presented to get the structural influencing coefficient by Pushover analytical method , which can be of some reference for designers .

  13. 本文在优化设计的基础上,为了将工程设计人员从繁重的绘图过程中解脱,结合AutoCAD二次开发语言ObjectARX,开发了溴化锂吸收式制冷机智能设计软件包。

    To release designers from onerous work , this program is developed with the help of AutoCAD software and its secondary development tool & ObjectARX .

  14. 根据隔震LNG储罐优化设计参数,对滚动凹形复位板隔震装置进行了强度、刚度和抗风稳定性设计,以便工程设计人员参考。

    According to the optimal design parameters of isolation LNG storage tank , the strength , stiffness and wind stability of the rolling isolator with a concave board with spring are analyzed for engineering designers .

  15. 本文研究了GIS城市道路网中任意两节点之间路径优化问题,提出了解决该问题的求解策略,解释实现该遗传算法的一些关键问题,力求为工程设计人员开发相关算法提供参考。

    In this paper , the path optimization between two nodes in a city road network is studied , some GA-based tactics are presented and some key issues in implementation are also explained in order to provide reference for engineers and designers in developing similar algorithms .

  16. 在该技术中,工程设计人员可以直接利用CAD系统提供的各种零部件的物理信息及几何信息,在计算机上定义零部件间的连接关系并对系统进行虚拟装配,从而获得系统的虚拟样机。

    In this technology , the engineers may directly use the physical information and the geometry information provided by CAD system to define the connection relations of spare parts and carry on the hypothesized assembly on the computer , thus obtain the virtual Prototype of system .

  17. 电子设备的电磁兼容(EMC)是现代的电子工程设计人员进行设计时必须考虑的,电磁兼容预测把产品的电磁兼容问题解决在产品成型之前,可以节约大量的时间和费用。

    Modern electronic engineers must take into account the electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) of the electronic equipments , the predicting of EMC may solve the EMC problem before the products being made , It may save a mass of time and money .

  18. 本文所建立的数学模型和受力分析,均按照现行《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010-2002)进行,对工程设计人员具有一定的参考价值。

    The mathematical model and the analysis are in accordance with existing code for design of concrete structures ( GB50010 - 2002 ) and provide the reference to designer .

  19. 工程设计人员应为企业第二轮达标服务

    Engineering Personnel Should Serve for the Second Round Enterprises Standards Attainment

  20. 为工程设计人员提供设计依据。

    It can provide a designing basis for the designer .

  21. 为工程设计人员提出了一种可行的创新设计方法。

    An operable innovative design method for engineer is present .

  22. 该数学模型可为摩擦学系统特性转化的研究提供研究参照体,亦可为工程设计人员在摩擦学设计时提供有效的计算工具。

    The model could provide calculable measure for the tribology design engineers .

  23. 这些都是工程设计人员关心的问题。

    All these are the concerned problems of project designer .

  24. 在工程设计人员的实际工作中,绘制图纸是每天都要做的事情。

    Drawing is the routine work of engineers . The work of T.

  25. 此法计算简便、实用性强,可供工程设计人员参考。

    It can be provided to designers for reference .

  26. 本文所得结论对水电机组的工程设计人员具有重要的指导意义。

    All these conclusions have directional meaning to the designers in this field .

  27. 同时,介绍了不同标准之间<洁净度等级>的换算方法以及换算表供工程设计人员参考。

    The conversion method and conversion table are explained as reference for designers .

  28. 不符合工程设计人员的习惯。

    Cannot accord with the habit of engineering designers .

  29. 它可以使工程设计人员摆脱繁重的设计计算和绘图工作。

    It can keep developers out of the burdensome computing and drawing work .

  30. 通常,产品营销部门提出方案,然后就扔给工程设计人员。

    Typically product marketing specs something and throws it over the wall to engineering .