
  • 网络quality;picture quality;image quality
  1. HDTV要求高清晰度、高画质和大屏幕平板显示。

    HDTV requires high definition , high quality and large flat panel displays .

  2. 由于OLED屏幕不需要背光,所以,最薄可以只有3毫米,而且还能降低能源成本,实现更清晰的画质。

    OLED screens require no backlight so they can be as thin as3mm and produce better quality pictures at lower energy cost .

  3. 其他的电视只能达到标凖清晰度,即SD,画质还要差。

    Others are stuck at standard definition , or SD , which is even worse .

  4. 无论是声音还是画质都可以和DVD相媲美。

    Both voices-definition DVD and can be comparable .

  5. 最后两张照片是在自动模式下拍摄,而高ISO位准似乎是唯一会减损画质的因素。

    We shot the final two images in Auto mode , and the high ISO levels seem to be the only detriments to both images .

  6. 但是后来他们为PS3提供了画质更好的新版本。(最早在2005年时,索尼PS2游戏机独占平台发行的游戏)

    but then they came out with a new version for PS3 with better graphics .

  7. 与LCD屏幕相比,OLED面板使用更轻的超薄技术,生成图像的画质更高,耗电量更低。

    OLED , or organic light-emitting diode , panels use ultra-thin , lighter technology to produce higher picture quality and lower power consumption than LCD screens .

  8. 本系统采用MPEG-4编码方式,可以达到更高的画质、更低的数据流、更高的效率。

    Video , replaying , transferring , The system adopts MPEG-4 mode , it can get the higher picture quality , the lower data current , the higher efficiency .

  9. 根据人眼视觉特性,对Genesis公司主要采用的画质提升技术&自适应对比度调整技术和自适应颜色管理技术进行了详细的分析与研究,并运用仿真系统进行仿真。

    According to human visual characteristics , utilized Adaptive Color / Contrast Enhancement and Active Color Management technology of Genesis for a detailed analysis and study , and simulate it used simulation system .

  10. 电源模块是TFT-LCD驱动控制芯片内置模拟电路的一个重要组成部分,其性能直接影响着芯片的功耗以及彩屏手机的显示画质。

    Power block is an important part of analog circuits for driver IC and affects the performances and power consumption of TFT-LCD driver IC directly .

  11. 最后,在4K电视机上看高清内容的画质可能要略好一些,这不假。

    Finally , it 's true that when watching HD content on a 4K set there can be a marginally better picture .

  12. 因此大屏幕上1080p的画质正在逼近极限。

    As a result , 1080p picture quality is reaching its limits on larger screens .

  13. GearVR头盔“让你可以随身携带,在任何地方体验虚拟现实”,勒基说,“但其画质绝对要比从高端个人电脑获得的画质低得多。”

    Gear VR is a " portable experience that you can take anywhere , " Mr Luckey says . " But the quality of the graphics are definitely much lower quality than what you get on a high-end PC.

  14. 电视机生产商在2012年年初推出4K电视机,展出了84英寸的庞然大物,画质惊艳,价格在2万美元左右。

    TV makers rolled out 4K sets in early 2012 , demonstrating 84-inch behemoths with stunning picture quality priced in the $ 20,000 range .

  15. 阴极射线管(CRT)显示是最早的,最成熟的,也是性能价格比最高的信息显示技术,人们已广泛接受CRT的显示色彩和画质。

    Cathode ray tube ( CRTs ) display is one kind of information display with the highest performance to price ratio and the highest qualities on display color and imaging widely accepted .

  16. 多款直播频道的节目,让你随时随心畅游大千世界。通过遥控器和电子节目菜单(EPG)方便地进行频道选择,观赏高画质的直播内容。

    You can watch digital TV channels , shift channels freely via the remote control and EPG menu , enjoying life TV with high quality .

  17. Netflix的首席产品长内尔&12539;亨特(NeilHunt)对我说,在更多用户使用超高清电视时,即便所有人同时连接流媒体视频也不会对画质造成影响。

    And Netflix 's chief product officer Neil Hunt told me the quality shouldn 't suffer as more people get Ultra HD TVs and all try to stream at the same time .

  18. 制约等离子体显示器件(PDP)发展的两个关键问题是成本和画质,采用不同的驱动技术可以降低PDP的成本和提高画质。

    Two key issues for the development of plasma displays are cost and picture quality . The cost reduction and high quality picture can be achieved by using various PDP drive techniques .

  19. 但是,在还有一段时间才能看到正宗4K内容的时候,为什么要花两三倍的钱去获得一种稍微好一点的画质呢?

    But why pay two to three times as much to get a slightly better picture quality when actual 4K content won 't be available for some time ?

  20. 分析了如何将高品质DVD制作技术应用到省级气象影视素材库建设中的方法,以及充分利用DVD的高画质、多音轨、多字幕等相关制作技术为气象影视工作服务的技巧。

    This article introduces the method that high-qualified DVD technology applies in provincial meteorological video and audio material storage . The DVD technology such as high-qualify , multi-soundtrack , multi-character serves us for meteorological video and audio work .

  21. 与此同时,日本电视生产商正试图证明其价格的合理性,他们使用了更多的芯片,能适配常规的高清内容,这样在4K电视机上的画质改善就能够分辨出来了。

    Meanwhile , Japanese TV makers are trying to justify their price tags by using extra chips that adapt regular high-definition content so an improvement is noticeable on 4K sets .

  22. 它没有按键和显示屏,只有一个功能:每隔30秒拍下它面前的景象。一天下来就有超过2000张照片,其画质堪比iPhone4的摄像头。

    The Narrative has no buttons or screen , and just one function : It takes a photo of whatever is in front of it every 30 seconds , more than 2000 a day , with quality comparable to the iPhone 4 's camera .

  23. 在最大限度地减少了SXRD提供了无与伦比的清晰流畅画面的像素间的空间电影画质。

    The SXRD provides film-quality smoothness by minimising the space between pixels for smooth pictures with unrivalled clarity .

  24. 在本周的CES科技展会上,LG是展示超清画质电视的众多电视制造商之一,但有一个亮点却让LG从竞争中脱颖而出,那就是:

    At this week 's CES technology expo , LG will be one of many TV makers to show off an impressive lineup of super-duper-high-definition TVs . But there 's one thing that separates LG from the competition .

  25. 以画质而论,现在购买1080p的大屏幕电视机,不远的将来就会很快过时。

    Shoppers who buy a bigger screen with 1080p now will be acquiring a TV that will be quickly outdated in terms of quality in the near future .

  26. FPD模组制造过程的面板点灯检测除基础的光电响应量测外,还包括寿命及画质缺陷检测,如点、线、mura、异物等缺陷。

    FPD module manufacturing process panel lighting detection based on the photoelectric response measurement , including life expectancy and quality of defect detection , such as points , line , mura and other defects .

  27. 我一集不落地看了《纸牌屋》的最新一季。尽管我和我妻子购买了威瑞森的FiOS套餐升级版,每集的画质依然惨不忍睹。

    I binge-watched the latest season of House of Cards.Even though my wife and I pay for an upgraded Verizon FiOS Internet package , every episode came through in painfully grainy quality .

  28. x100是一台令人诧异得蛋疼的相机。它综合了优秀的画质,坚实的做工以及超绝的取景器,同时也包含了呆滞的操作,奇怪并且充满了缺陷的固件。

    The X100 is an exasperating conundrum of a camera , combining excellent image quality , solid build and a superb viewfinder with sluggish operation and eccentric , buggy firmware .

  29. 由于TFT-LCD显示屏的物理特性随温度而发生变化,驱动电路必须提供具有相同温度特性的驱动电压,以补偿显示屏的温度特性,进而提高显示画质。

    Because the physical properties of TFT-LCD panel changes with the temperature , TFT-LCD driver circuits must supply the driving voltages with the same temperature properties as TFT-LCD panel , so that the temperature properties of TFT-LCD panel can be compensated and the image display quality can be improved .

  30. 首先,在普通矢量量化基础上提出了等和值块扩展最近邻快速码字搜索算法(EBNNS),该算法在图像画质达到穷尽搜索算法的前提下,大大降低了码字搜索率和硬件实现面积;

    Firstly , based on conventional VQ , a fast algorithm named equal-sum block-extending nearest neighbor search ( EBNNS ) is presented , which not only can achieve the reconstructed image of Full Search algorithm but also can greatly reduce both the codeword search ratio and chip area .