
  1. 尽管华纳按照的是当时最好的办法在处理这些壁画,但洞穴里很冷,那些热胶水冻了起来就没法用了,所以那些布被拿起的时候后,画色还残留在墙上。

    Although Warner followed the best practices of the time , the caves were icy , the hot glue froze and became unworkable , so pigment remained on the walls when the strips were removed .

  2. 水粉画亦称色粉笔画,流行于十八世纪欧洲,使用特制的色粉笔画在特制的粉画纸上。

    It involves the application of specially made pigments on specific types of papers , and as the pigments are opaque , any attempt to combine colors is constrained on the drawing paper .

  3. 有一次,为了庆祝一个艺术家的新展览,他向人们分发领子周围画着松石色南瓜花的白T恤衫。

    One time , he had white T-shirts printed with turquoise squash blossoms around the collar to celebrate a new showing of an artist 's work .

  4. 随着现代中国人宇宙观念的改变以及现代审美理念的介入,工笔重彩人物画线、色语言形式也在发生变化,呈现出形式多样、精彩纷呈的新面貌。

    With the changes of modern Chinese universe concept and with the intervention of modern aesthetic concept , meticulous re-color portraits ' line , color language forms are changed , showing a variety of forms and colorful new appearance .

  5. 他教我有系统地画素描,用色技巧,他的出色的小风景写生。

    He taught me his analytical way of drawing , his unique technique with color , his brilliance in painting small landscapes in oil on location .

  6. 在继承传统绘画和借鉴外来艺术因素这两种不同绘画观念的冲击下,工笔重彩人物画的线、色语言必然会衍变出新的时代气息和审美特色。

    And the impact the concept of inheriting traditional painting and the concept of absorbing external Arts factors , making the meticulous re-color portraits ' line and color language bound to evolve a new flavor of the times and aesthetic characteristics .

  7. 中国工笔重彩人物画的形象塑造主要是通过线条和色彩来完成,传统工笔重彩人物画的线、色语言显著地体现了中华民族的绘画特色和审美特征。

    China meticulous re-color portraits ' image-building is mainly done through the lines and colors , and the traditional color meticulous portraits ' line and color language reflects the significant features and aesthetic characteristics of Chinese painting .