
  • 网络Split Screen
  1. 基于AM-209M芯片的视频16画面分割器

    16-channel video multiplexer with AM-209M image processor chip

  2. 介绍了基于AM-209M芯片的16画面分割器的系统组成。

    In this paper , the system of 16 - channel video multiplexer based on AM-209M is introduced .

  3. 白色颜料也悄悄画下了构图的分界线,将画面分割成前景、中景和延伸的背景。

    Here , the white paint creates compositional division in dividing the canvas into foreground , middle and into an expanding background .

  4. 但有时为了让监控人员能同时看到所有监控点的情况,往往采用多画面分割器使得多路图像同时显示在一台监视器上。

    But sometimes in order to allow monitoring personnel can simultaneously see all monitoring spots , channel video multiplexers are often used to make multiple images display simultaneously on a monitor .

  5. 通过对显示卡编程、画面分割、生成驻留字库等技术的运用,本文给出了过程控制系统实时显示的一种有效方法。

    By the use of techniques about programming to video adapter , partitioning screen , creating residented chinese library and so on , it gives an efficient way to real-time display in process control system in this paper .

  6. 介绍了一种发电厂/变电站遥视系统的设计,整个系统是在传统监控组件的基础上,结合视频压缩、视频矩阵切换主机和画面分割器等一系列新技术开发而成。

    The design of a remote monitoring system for power plant and substation is introduced , which is developed by using video frequency signal compression , matrix host computer and picture division device based on the traditional monitoring hardware .

  7. N×N电视墙微机控制部分的主要任务是将完整的活动画面实时分割成N2个块,由于活动视频图像变化很快,采样的数据很多以及超过60个特技功能,因此微机控制部分较复杂。

    Because of the rapid changing of television signals , large amount data sampled and over 60 functions , the microcomputer controlling part is relatively complex .

  8. 对风景油画在构图方面做出一些尝试,强调空间,画面色块分割,黄金分割线在画面中的运用,通过这些尝试,来表达自己对美的一些个人理解。

    Of landscape painting to make some attempt at composition , the emphasis on space , the screen color segmentation , Fibonacci use the screen through which attempts to express themselves on the " beauty " of some personal understanding .

  9. 在影片中,画面可以随时分割人的形体,正好和戏剧相反。在你表演时你会在意这些分割么?

    In the cinema , the frame can at any moment fragment the body , just the opposite of the theatre . Are you conscious of this fragmentation when you act ?