
  1. 我把电池和SIM卡都卸下来了

    I took the battery and the SIM card out

  2. 哦,糟了!我的两张卡都刷爆了!

    Oh , no ! I 've overcharged both my cards !

  3. 我发现钱包和信用卡都落在了车上,

    I remembered I left my wallet and credit cards there .

  4. 购买或切出一些卡都是一样的大小。

    Buy or cut out some cards all the same size .

  5. 提款机和信用卡都无效。

    And my a.t.m.and my credit cards didn 't work .

  6. 你买圣诞卡都是等圣诞节过了打5折时。

    You only buy Christmas cards after Christmas when its50 % off .

  7. 费卡都对于回国后的生活并未感到快乐。

    Fekadu is not happy with life since she 's come back .

  8. 早期的伪卡都是粗制滥造的货色,很容易识别。

    The early counterfeit cards were crude and easily recognizable .

  9. 每种免息信用卡都会为您带来便利。

    Any interest free credit card can prove very advantageous for you .

  10. 无论外出就餐还是购物,使用该卡都能享受各式各样的折扣。

    It provides all-round discounts while dining out or shopping in general .

  11. 手提包里的现金和信用卡都还在。

    Purse still has cash and credit cards in it .

  12. 我丢了我的钱包,不过所有的卡都可以替换。

    I lost my wallet , but all the cards are replaceable .

  13. 灯和提示卡都是我拿着。

    I-I was holding the light and the cue card .

  14. 不过,之前,我们不得不将我们的信用卡都取消。

    Before that , however , we had to cancel our credit cards .

  15. 我在火车上把所有的钱和信用卡都丢了。

    I lost all the money and my credit card on the train .

  16. 四个虚拟映像的虚拟网络接口卡都在管理程序中定义。

    The vNICs for all four virtual images are defined in the hypervisor .

  17. 我连一个干燥的储存卡都没有了

    I don 't have one dry memory card !

  18. 随后,上百万的美国运通卡都转为了维萨和花旗卡。

    Millions of former Costco AmEx cards were subsequently transferred to Visa and Citi .

  19. 许多情人卡都会写上情诗,并印有丘比特的漫画图案。

    Many valentine cards are written with love verses and comic pictures of cupids .

  20. 她把每张卡都取空了。

    She made the maximum withdraw at each .

  21. 这些信用卡都是欺诈获得。

    All these credit cards are fraudulently obtained .

  22. 小卖部的电话卡都卖完了··

    Commissary of the phone cards are sold out

  23. 我爸说他所有的卡都刷爆了。

    Dad said all her cards were maxed .

  24. 全部卡都不见了,岂有此理!

    All the cards were lost , gosh !

  25. 我们所有的圣诞卡都是她画的插图。

    She illustrated all our Christmas cards .

  26. 把你的信用卡都给我。

    Give me all your credit cards .

  27. 请确保两个调谐器卡都已安装并安装了有效的调谐器卡驱动程序。

    Please ensure that both the tuner card and a valid tuner card driver are installed .

  28. 每个平衡计分卡都是从战略目标、成果指标和业绩驱动因素三个方面来设计。

    Each the balanced scorecard consists of the target , indicators of achievement and performance-driven elements .

  29. 我丢了钱包,我的身份证和信用卡都在里面。

    I lost my wallet , and it had all my ID and credit cards in it .

  30. 大多数开关卡都有跳线,可以通过拆下跳线将插卡的输出从背板断开。

    Most switch cards have jumpers that can be removed to disconnect the card output from the backplane .