
  • 网络Khadgar
  1. 卡德加问道,虽然觉得自己已经知道了答案。

    Khadgar asked , though he thought he already knew .

  2. 卡德加摸了摸自己的额头,发出了一声惊叹。

    Khadgar touched his forehead , and let out a surprised gasp .

  3. 卡德加思索着。他应该悲伤吗?

    Should he be sad that his master had died ?

  4. 洛萨与卡德加在麦迪文之塔击败了麦迪文。

    Lothar and Khadgar defeat Medivh in his tower .

  5. 卡德加坐了下去,却发现椅子摇晃不定。

    Khadgar sat down and the chair rocked severely .

  6. 卡德加一时间站直了身子。

    Khadgar just sat there for a moment .

  7. 卡德加知道自己没有能力把它们全部放倒。

    Khadgar knew he did not have the power to repulse all of them .

  8. 随后的几次碰面充分体现了卡德加的聪明、顽强、专注和友善。

    Subsequent encounters had shown him that Khadgar was bright , stubborn , focused , and friendly .

  9. 卡德加,艾莉瑞亚,库德兰,达那斯与图拉扬牺牲他们自己,封闭了黑暗之门。

    Khadgar , alleria , kurdran , danath , and Turalyon sacrifice themselves to seal the portal .

  10. “我们得召集起这块大陆上所有的统治者。”洛萨回答正如卡德加所料。

    " We must gather the rulers of this land ," Lothar answered , as Khadgar had thought he might .

  11. 卡德加把这本手写书放到了大门的右边,然后又进房间去找下一本该分类的书。

    Khadgar set the handwritten volume to the other side of the doorway , and went back for another book .

  12. 卡德加也跟着做了,这位年轻的法师从坐骑一侧伏下身去以看得更清楚些。

    Khadgar followed , the young mage himself leaning over the side of his mount to get a better look .

  13. 卡德加赶紧合上书。这书发出了一声短促而尖厉的怪声后重归平静,它内部的某种机构被重置了。

    Quickly Khadgar closed the cover , and the book silenced itself with a sharp whirr and a snap , itsmechanism resetting .

  14. 他双手抓紧了马绳,卡德加又一次看到了一个曾经统领了整个暴风王国的军队,保卫边疆多年的强大战士。

    His hands clenched on the horse 's reins , and Khadgar could again see the powerful warrior who had led Stormwind 's armies and kept its borders safe for so many years .