
  • 网络Capote;TRUMAN CAPOTE;cabot
  1. 卡波特曾经说过:"李是我最好的朋友。"

    Capote once said , " Lee was my best friend . "

  2. 十月,兰登书屋(RandomHouse)将出版卡波特的遗作短篇小说集,这些作品写于卡波特的少年和成人时期。

    In October , Random House will publish a collection of lost short stories that Mr. Capote wrote when he was a teenager and young man .

  3. 后来,卡波特把内尔写进自己的第一本书《其他声音,其他房间》(OtherVoices,OtherRooms)里,成为书中假小子埃达贝尔·汤普金斯(IdabelTompkins)的原型。

    Capote later wrote Nelle into his first book , " Other Voices , Other Rooms , " where she appears as the tomboy Idabel Tompkins .

  4. 如今,阿斯特家族、洛厄尔家族和卡波特家族已经被佩罗家族(罗斯・佩罗)、希尔家族(麦格劳・希尔,McGrawHill)和凯悦酒店(HyattHotel)的普利兹克家族(Pritzkers)所取代了。

    Today , the Astors , Lowells and Cabots have been replaced by Perots ( as in Ross ) , McGraws ( of McGraw Hill ) and Pritzkers ( of Hyatt Hotels ) .

  5. 出版家彼得·哈格(PeterHaag)在纽约公共图书馆做卡波特资料研究时,看到这些故事时停住了。

    Peter Haag , owner of Kein & Aber , which publishes Mr. Capote in German , stumbled upon them while doing research in the Capote archive at the New York Public Library .

  6. 詹宁斯·福克·卡特(JenningsFaulkCarter)提供了最丰富的资料,他是卡波特的表(堂)兄,也是杜鲁和妮尔童年历险的同谋小伙伴。

    Some of the richest material came from Jennings Faulk Carter , Mr. Capote 's cousin and a frequent co-conspirator during Tru and Nelle 's escapades .

  7. 在他的小说《感恩节来客》(TheThanksgivingVisitor)中,她再次以安妮·芬奇伯格(AnnFinchburg)的身份出现,昵称江波(Jumbo)。作为回报,李在《杀死一只知更鸟》中把卡波特写成很会编故事的白人小男孩迪尔(Dill)。

    She made a repeat appearance as Ann Finchburg , nicknamed Jumbo , in his story " The Thanksgiving Visitor . " Lee returned the favor , casting Capote in the role of the little blond tale-spinner Dill in " To Kill a Mockingbird . "

  8. 内里想到要写这样一本小说是在2014年2月,当时他正在看由菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(PhilipSeymourHoffman)主演的《卡波特》,回想起了这两个作者小时候的共同经历。

    Mr. Neri came up with the idea for a novel about their friendship in February 2014 , when he was watching " Capote , " a biopic starring Philip Seymour Hoffman , and remembered the past that the two writers shared as children .

  9. 内里开始研究李和卡波特的生活,阅读他们传记和采访。

    He started researching their lives , reading biographies and interviews .

  10. 卡波特依旧在夏天探访门罗维尔。

    Mr. Capote continued to visit Monroeville in summer .

  11. 《杀死一只知更鸟》赢得普林策奖,获得成功,卡波特因此感到嫉妒。

    Mr. Capote envied the success of " Mockingbird , " which won the Pulitzer Prize .

  12. 《冷血》是美国当代著名的小说家杜鲁门·卡波特的非虚构小说的盖世之作,此书为卡波特在文学界树立了稳固的地位。

    In Cold Blood is Truman Capote 's masterpiece of Nonfiction Novel , which established his literature status in the world .

  13. 即将出版的卡波特小说集也有一些场景设立在南部小镇门罗维尔,李和卡波特的童年都在那里度过。

    The forthcoming collection by Mr. Capote also features stories set in a small Southern town like Monroeville , where they both lived as children .

  14. 菲利普西摩霍夫曼,这位因《卡波特》获得奥斯卡影帝,在荧幕和舞台上都广受赞誉的演员去世了,终年46岁。

    Philip Seymour Hoffman , the Oscar-winning star of Capote and one of the most acclaimed actors of screen and stage , has died at age 46 .

  15. 喜欢跟内尔打闹的其中一个男孩就是杜鲁门·珀森斯(后来改姓卡波特),有几个夏天,他住在内尔隔壁的姨妈家。

    One boy on the receiving end of Nelle 's thrashings was Truman Persons ( later Capote ) , who spent several summers next door to Nelle with relatives .

  16. 作为两人的长期追随者,特别是卡波特的书迷,内里感到奇怪,为什么没有一个人就他们的童年写一本书。

    As a longtime fan of the work of the authors , Mr. Capote in particular , Mr. Neri wondered why no one had written a book about their childhood .

  17. 李和卡波特出生的日期相隔一年半,年少的二人都具有非常活跃的想像力,与母亲关系疏远,都不适应南方的小地方的生活。

    Born a year and a half apart , the young Harper and Truman both had active imaginations and distant mothers . Neither of them fit in especially well in a small Southern community .

  18. 肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门?卡波特、萨默塞特?毛姆和“几乎每一位著名的欧洲王室成员及女性王位继承人”在大驾光临曼谷时,无一例外都前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐。

    The Kennedys , the Eisenhowers , Truman Capote , Somerset Maugham and " nearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe " ; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok .

  19. 李和卡波特分别充当过无数传记、纪录片和电影的主角,但《杜鲁与妮尔》是第一部重点关注他们童年时期联系的书。

    Though Ms. Lee and Mr. Capote have each individually been the subject of numerous biographies , documentaries and feature films , " Tru & Nelle " is the first book to focus primarily on their childhood bond .

  20. 洛厄尔家族可能只与卡波特家族交往,卡波特家族可能只与上帝沟通,但是据早期的会员名单显示,他们之间的这些对话是建立在同为中海俱乐部会员的基础之上的。

    The Lowells might have talked only to the Cabots , and the Cabots only to God , but some of those conversations , according to the list of early club members , took place on the links of the Mid Ocean Club .

  21. 《设立守望者》中还有一个场景与童年时期李和卡波特实际遇到的事件相似。迪尔、斯库特和杰姆模仿了一场培灵会,最后在鱼塘中举行洗礼,但他们的古怪举动被来访的神父和神父的妻子打断。

    In one scene of " Watchman " that parallels an actual childhood incident , Dill , Scout and Jem put on a mock Baptist revival , culminating with a baptism in the fish pond . To their mortification , their antics are interrupted by dinner guests , the minister and his wife .