
  • 网络Karl Fischer
  1. 卡尔费休库仑法测定PA66切片中的含水量

    Determining Water in PA 66 Chip by Karl Fischer Coulometer

  2. 卡尔费休容量滴定法测定饲料中水分含量

    Determination of water content in feed by Karl Fischer volumetric titrimetry

  3. 1进口焊膏中助焊剂的剖析方法研究2卡尔费休库仑法测定SF6中痕量水

    The Investigation of Analysis Method for Import Flux

  4. 另外,未对API卡尔费休水分检测中所使用的注射器进行校准。

    In addition , you do not calibrate the Karl Fisher syringe used during ( b )( 4 ) API water content analysis .

  5. 卡尔费休法测定水分的发展及其在某些领域中的应用

    The development and application of Karl Fischer method for determining water

  6. 卡尔费休法在油脂水分测定中的应用

    The application of Karl Fischer method in the determination of oil moisture

  7. 卡尔费休库仑法测定六氟化硫中痕量水

    Determination of trace water in SF_6 by karl fischer coulometry

  8. 卡尔费休库仑滴定法测定甲烷氯化物中微量水分

    Determination of Trace Water in Methane Chloride with KF Coulometric Titration Method

  9. 用卡尔费休试剂测定水分是最常用的分析方法之一。

    Karl Fischer Reagent is a mostly used reagent for moisture content determination .

  10. 卡尔费休法测定丙酮中微量水分

    Determination of Trace Water in Acetone by Karl-Fischer Method

  11. 卡尔费休法快速测定烟用香精中的水分含量

    Rapid Determination on the Water Content in Tobacco Essence by Karl Fischer Method

  12. 无吡啶、无甲醇卡尔费休试剂的应用

    Application of Karl-Fischer Reagent Without Pyridin and Methanol

  13. 卡尔费休方法测定生物油含水量的试验研究

    An experimental study on determination of the water content in bio-oil by Karl-Fischer titration

  14. 卡尔费休试剂综述

    A Review on Karl Fischer Reagent

  15. 弹性石英毛细管和卡尔费休库仑法测定乙烯、丙烯中微量水

    Determination of Trace Water in Ethylene or Propylene by Fused Silica Capillary and Karl Fischer Coulometric Method

  16. 卡尔费休滴定法测定铁矿石中化合水含量

    Establishing the standard of " Determination of Combined Water Content in Iron Ores Using Karl Fischer Method "

  17. 在最初的滴定溶液里,已知的是卡尔费休试剂,二氧化硫和碘溶解在吡啶和甲醇中。

    In the original titrimetric solution , known as Karl Fischer Reagent , the sulfur dioxide and iodine are dissolved in pyridine and methanol .

  18. 针对工业生产中聚合级原料气体中微量水检测中的问题,对卡尔费休库仑装置进行了改进。

    A device for coulometric determination of water by the Karl Fischer method was improved in order to solve problems of the determination of the micro water in polymeric staple gases in industry .

  19. 卡尔.费休水分测定结果表明,MPC样品中的含水量为0.26%(质量分数)。

    The mass percent concentration of water in the MPC sample was ( 0.26 % ), which was determined by Karl Fischer titration .

  20. 用卡尔&费休法对处理后的HF的含水量进行测定,结果表明,随着电解时间的延长,电解电流和氟化氢中的水分含量逐渐减小,最后达到一定值。

    The worked HF was measured with Karl-Fischer titration method . The results showed that when the state of anode is constant , the current water content of worked HF decrease with the electrolysis and reach the last content .

  21. 为了提高5E-MAC红外快速煤质分析仪测定挥发分时的准确性,克服仪器重现性差、误差大等缺点,采用卡尔·费休法测定烟煤的内水值。

    To improve the veracity and to overcome the low repeatability and large error during determination of volatile matter in bituminous coal using 5E-MAC IR analyzer , Karl Fischer method was used to determine the inner moisture in coal .

  22. 利用卡尔.费休库仑法的原理,使用LG-5型液态烃闪蒸气化取样进样器,测定经固碱干燥系统干燥的精馏VCM中的水分含量,其平行分析数据误差小于20×10-6。

    According to the principle of karl Fischer coulometry , the water content in rectified VCM dried by solid caustic soda was determined using Modle LG-5 liquid hydrocarbon flash vaporization sampler . The difference among parallel analytical datas was less than 20 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) .

  23. 卡尔·费休库仑法水分测量技术及其应用研究

    Moisture Measurement Technology by Using Karl-Fischer Coulometry and Its Application Study

  24. GB/T6023-1985工业用丁二烯中微量水的测定卡尔.费休法

    Butadiene for industrial use Determination of trace water Karl Fischer method

  25. GB/T2947-1982卡尔.费休法测定尿素、硝酸铵中水分

    Determination of water in urea and ammonium nitrate by Karl Fischer method

  26. 新型无吡啶卡尔·费休试剂的研究

    Studies on Determination of New Pyridine free Karl Fischer Reagent

  27. 无吡啶卡尔·费休试剂研制成功

    Preparation of two kinds of pyridine - free Karl Fischer reagents succeeded

  28. 卡尔·费休法测定丁二烯中的微量水

    Determination of trace water in Butadiene by Karl-Fischer titration

  29. GB/T7376-1987工业用氟代甲烷类中微量水分的测定卡尔.费休法

    Fluorinated methanes for industrial uses Determination of micro-amounts of water Karl Fischer method

  30. 适于含酮样品卡尔·费休试剂的研制

    Preparation of Karl - Fischer reagent for the determination of water in ketone samples