
  • 网络rhenic acid
  1. HPLC法测定某些高铼酸盐易变配位化合物的稳定常数

    Determination of the Stability Constants for Some Labile Complexes of Perrhenate by HPLC

  2. 综合对比,以酸性介质氧压煮为优;非标准钼精矿经酸性介质氧压煮接后续常规方法可制取MSA-2以上标准的仲钼酸铵和纯度为四个九的高铼酸铵。

    Ammonium paramolybdate at least meeting MSA-2 standard and high purity ( 99.99 % ) ammonium perrhenate can be prepared from the non-standardized molybdenum ore concentrates by oxygen digesting in a acidic medium followed by the conventional processing .

  3. 硫氰酸盐光度法测定铼酸铵中的钼

    To measure molybdenum content in rhenate ammonium with thiocyanate photometric method

  4. 石墨炉原子吸收法测定铼酸钾中杂质元素

    Determination of trace impurities in potassium perrhenate by graphite furnace atomic absortion spectrometry

  5. 最终产物是仲钼酸铵和高铼酸铵。

    Final products are ammonium paramolybdate and ammonium perrhenate .

  6. 活性炭吸附高铼酸铵性质的研究

    Study on the Adsorption of NH_4ReO_4 on Active Carbon

  7. 之后,在土壤介质中,利用所制得的稳定纳米铁粉还原高铼酸钾。

    Then within the soil as media , stabile nanometer iron powder prepared already is used to restore the potassium per-rhenium .

  8. 本文报告了应用树脂珠技术于质谱分析的一个新方法,即树脂珠&高铼酸-葡萄糖混合溶液综合加载技术。

    A new method of resin bead technique applied in mass spectrometric analysis is reported in the present paper . This method is the resin bead & perrhenic acid-glucose solution comprehensive loading technique .

  9. 研究了萃取法从污酸中直接提取铼生产铼酸铵的可行性,确定了工艺流程与条件参数。

    The feasibility of direct extraction rhenium from waste acid to produce ammonium rhenate has been re-searched , the parameters and conditions of Process has been determined .
