
  • 网络secondary caries;recurrent caries
  1. 研究发现,继发龋和冠固位丧失是固定修复失败的主要原因。

    It is discovered that secondary caries and losing of retention are the main reasons for the failure of fixed prostheses .

  2. 为避免树脂充填材料和周围牙齿颜色的不匹配以及继发龋的发生,建议漂白治疗后重新更换修复体。

    To avoid color unmatched between composite restorations and surrounding tooth and secondary caries , the composites may needed replacement after bleaching .

  3. 结论应用ART技术治疗龋洞是一个简便、可行、有效的方法,而且继发龋率低。

    Conclusions ART is a simple , appropriate and effective method for the management of primary caries and the incidence of secondary caries is less common .

  4. 使用玻璃离子材料的ART组及牙钻组两年继发龋发生率(6.85%、9.2%与6.35%、8.62%)低于汞合金对照组(16.9%、21.5%),差异有显著性。

    Secondary caries were 6.85 % and 9.20 % in the group of ART , 6.35 % and 8.62 % in drill + glass ionomer restoration , 16.9 % and 21.50 % in amalgam restorations , respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 方法应用DMG光固化复合树脂窝沟封闭剂对391颗成年恒牙进行窝沟封闭,连续3年复查封闭剂的保留率、继发龋患率及对照牙的龋患率。

    Methods The 391 permanent teeth with fissure were sealed with DMG light-cure resin sealant and followed up for three years . The retention rate of sealant , the incidence rate of secondary caries and the incidence rate of caries in control teeth were observed in 3 years .

  6. 乳牙继发龋危险因素分析

    Analysis of the risk factors inducing secondary caries of primary teeth

  7. 无继发龋及牙龈炎形成,是影响前牙美容修复中的重要因素。

    It is important factor that affects anterior dental aesthetic restoration .

  8. 治疗6个月后复查患牙的继发龋情况。

    After 6 months , secondary caries rate was recorded .

  9. 后牙窝洞修复继发龋危险因素分析

    Risk factors for secondary caries in posterior teeth

  10. 单纯龋齿充填后继发龋、松动脱落4个(3.92%)。

    Four ( 3.92 % ) post caries filling recurrent caries , loosened fall off .

  11. 口腔铸造修复体为了防止继发龋的产生及获得良好的固位,要求修复体与基牙精密地吻合。

    Dental casting restorations should fit the abutment teeth accurately for preventing caries and enhancing retention .

  12. 继发龋的诊断和预防

    Diagnosis and prevention of secondary caries

  13. 6个月后复查,比较两种方法的继发龋发生率和脱落率。

    Compare the secondary caries rate and missing rate of the two methods after 6 months .

  14. 氟保护漆预防乳磨牙继发龋的临床效果观察

    Evaluation of the Clinical Effect of Fluoride Varnish in Preventing Secondary Caries of Primary Molar Teeth

  15. 主要失败原因有:饰瓷剥脱、修复体边缘的继发龋的发生等。

    The mainly failure reasons were : veneering chipping and delamination , secondary caries and so on .

  16. 但是复合树脂易形成继发龋而导致修复失败的问题还有待于进一步完善;

    But some problems are still not well solved such as secondary caries at the margins of composite resin .

  17. 两组在边缘着色,继发龋,牙龈反应方面差异不显著。

    There was no significant difference in marginal staining , protection against recurrence caries , colour match and gum health .

  18. 结论:冠桩脱落、崩瓷、继发龋及牙龈炎等是金属烤瓷修复失败的因素。

    Conclusion crown holder dropping , porcelain cracking , secondary decay and gingivitis etc could result in failures of metal-porcelain prostheses .

  19. 但是,临床医生在进行黏结修复时也会碰到技术敏感性、术后敏感、继发龋、修复体着色等多种问题,若处理不当则可能影响最终的修复效果。

    However , problems such as technique sensitivity , postoperative sensitivity , secondary caries and discoloration , are commonly encountered in clinical practice , affecting the final restorative result .

  20. 结果经6个月-2年的追踪观察,根管治疗后充填的后牙继发龋为0个,牙折2个(1.96%);

    Results Form 6 months to 2 years of tracked observations , post root canal treatment filling molar has zero recurrent caries ( 0 % ), two fractured ( 1.96 % );

  21. 有限元分析结果显示:传统洞型由于修复界面上拉应力过大,很容易发生继发龋,从而引起牙体折裂。

    The finite element analysis results show : the secondary caries of traditional cavity is mainly due to the excessive tensile stress at the interface , which could lead to the tooth fracture .

  22. 结果:继发龋发生与充填时间、充填材料、修复部位及口腔卫生状况等因素有明显关系(P<0.005)。

    Results : Secondary caries were obviously related to the filling time , material , position , oral hygiene status , the preparation of caves and so on ( P < 0.005 ) .

  23. 结果在继发龋、食物嵌塞、龈炎3方面银汞合金嵌体组优于银汞合金充填体组(P<0.05),其它两个指标组间无显著性差异。

    Results The effect of amalgam inlay was superior to that of amalgam restoration in secondary caries , interdental food impaction and gingivitis ( P < 0.05 ), whereas there was no significant different in other two aspects .

  24. 复合树脂嵌体组边缘着色27例、边缘密合134例、外形完整150例、基牙继发龋20例、修复体折裂5例、颜色匹配146例。

    169 composite resin inlays were followed up , 27 had marginal discoloration , 134 had good marginal adaption , 150 had anatomic shape integrity , 20 had secondary caries , 164 had color match , 5 had fractures of teeth .

  25. 适合性不良的修复体将导致菌斑聚集,进而发生继发龋、龈缘炎,严重影响牙体、牙周组织健康及修复体颈缘的美观效果。

    Unreliable marginal adaptation will result in accumulation of dental plaques , furthermore lead to secondary caries and marginal gingivitis . It will influence negatively not only the health of teeth and periodontal tissues , but also esthetic effects of gingival margins of restorations .

  26. 窝沟封闭继发类龋损体外实验模型的研究

    An in vitro study of secondary caries-like lesions at fissure sealings